James Myint

I thought California had all those tough new laws that kept this stuff from happening.

Terminator 2, Them, Elomea, Forbidden Planet, Planeta Bur

My wife brews her own vanilla extract so usually have several quarts of it a t home. It ends up about 80-85% alcohol.

I remember unboxing one of these new. The place where I worked only sold maybe two. These things were big, expensive and came at the end of the laser disc video game era. This was also at a time when you could purchase a Final Fight, or Mortal Kombat conversion kit for around $900 so selling a nearly $4000 game that

And if it had been a 51 year old black man and white teens, what would the narrative been then. He is charge with assaulting a female as well, not just assault. So if it had been a male teen?

So I have no clue what you are talking about.

Number One the Nuclear Weapons. The use of nuclear weapons against Japan brought the war to a very rapid conclusion. In the month of July 1945 over 300,000 had died in China, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Pacific, and Japan because of the war. The war was fully expected to continue into 1946 but instead it ended in

If she were a male basketball player she would have free food, books, tuition, housing, and transportation. Just saying. 

The insignia on the wings is the Balkankruez or Bar Cross adopted March 20, 1918 to replace the Eisernes Kruez or Iron Cross. The modern German military uses an insignia that is a combination of Eisernes Kruez and the Balkankruez.

A barrow has 1 wheel, a cart 2 wheels, a car has 4 wheels. 

“The nonaggression pact of August 23 contained a secret protocol that provided for the partition of Poland and the rest of eastern Europe into Soviet and German spheres of interest. In accordance with this plan, the Soviet army occupied and annexed eastern Poland in the autumn of 1939. On November 30, 1939, the Soviet

And yet the homicide rate among blacks is 12 per 100,000 and whites it is 1.8 per 100,000. Dude I’m a mixed raced guy with some college, In good conscience I can’t vote for a Republican, I have had ups and downs financially, an atheist, believe that good government is the cornerstone of a free society, and a gun

Hmm...I started watching anime in 1964 with 8th Man and Gigantor, and have watched it ever since. I introduced my children to it with Battle of the Planets and Voltron in the 1980s. Introduced my grand children to it it with A Certain Scientific Railgun in the 2010s.

It was Bush that restricted the import of some guns Obama just let it stand. The ammo shortage was started by Olin when the went to screw their union workers by closing the plant that produced 20% of all .22 ammo. And did you forget like every one else that the US has been at WAR since 2001. The US military was

My wife and I agreed to limit ourselves to 6 guns this year because we way over spent last year. So we haven’t bought any new ones since November, but I have promised my grand daughter a Ruger 10-22 and my wife wants one of those Auto-Ordinance M1 Carbine repros.

Three guys, two sledge hammers, a couple of star drills, and two months of nights. There would be a hole big enough for a truck,

I was kind of with you until you got to Alphaville, are you kidding me? Five times I have tried to watch that lump of a movie. The acting is wooden at best, the pace is like watching paint dry, and the plot has all the turns of a two lane Kansas blacktop. I don’t know how this thing keeps ending up on best lists.

“The fight to finally bring about sensible gun control”I would like to hear your ideas of what this would be. But hat is something for another time. First off I would like to state that I don’t necessarily agree with the NRA’s recent positions nor do I think the direction Wayne LaPierre has taken it to be good or

The are still ATMs Running Widows for Workgroups 3.11 on i386 processors.