Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

That was my first car! I really liked it and with good snow tires it was fantastic winter driver as well.

It'll buff out.

Masterchief 117 provided this bit of fan fiction to my post yesterday. It kind of sums it up. I assume though that this is the Star Trek 6 crew, due to their professionalism. I can't say how well the Abrams crew would do.

the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee features a 35.8-degree approach angle, a 29.6-degree departure angle and 23.5-degree breakover angle.

I beat you slightly:

Now playing

This idiot dumbass didn't even wear a helmet.

Now playing

I see your Porsche and raise you an Audi R8 V10.

can we talk about how perfectly executed that was

Well, he is.

I have also transformed the way I work on my car.

maybe its the same guy who got stuck in between 2 semi trucks. "its cool bro, take my picture, im in no rush to get out. Aint nobody gonna believe this shit otherwise".

Tavarish has now found a way to crowd-source his otherwise full day of browsing eBay, Autotrader and Craigslist. Brilliant, and he can capitalize on the flipping of said cars.

The Cobalt SS punched weigh above it's weight during C&Ds Lightning Lap some years ago.

The whole "be nice to the people who handle your food" idea is in the right place. But it's generally such a low chance someone will purposefully mess with your food, there's no real reason to assume such things.

So many angles, a flat 6, stupid windows...I really want one

The abrasive tone that the video's commentary is written in makes me less sympathetic to truck drivers. And the diatribe at the end is just beating a dead horse.