
“While basic it still made a logical sense.”

To me, it felt like the nature documentary equivalent of porn. It had visuals that got boring rather quickly and a dull, nonsensical plot thrown in for the hell of it. I started looking at my watch about 40min in to the movie and it felt like a chore sitting through the rest of it.

I thought it was a movie that I likely wasn’t going to go and see. And I was right.

Quantity over quality right here. Too many storylines and characters, so much that very little was developed. Everything felt bare bones and one-dimensional. Now just picture that feeling for three plus hours..

This one kinda does? The mcgiffin this one is a part of the living ecosystem.

I had to call suicide prevention half way through or I was going to off myself this movie was so bad. I would rather jump in a bush of cacti than watch this movie again.


Kiri is obviously a Palpatine, duh.

Instead of Spider saving him, they could have easily pulled another Quaritch Avatar out of a tank and loaded it with updated memories.”

Let’s not rein on their parade

Is this the first Doctor with facial hair?

You, sir - you are *my* kind of potato.


funny how the lead pic centers the blond girl and sidelines the actual doctor...a black man.

So they got rid of the woke female doctor? Too funny.

The Japan edition of The Takeout is bemoaning their lack of Peppermint Mocha, the Chestnut Praline Latte, and the Caramel Brulée Latte.

Does the movie look better than the stills in the article? To me they look like a video game cut scene. I’m hoping they look better in motion.

‘A Jesus Christ-like figure who has a much grander part to play in the tales of these films.’

I know this ep is off limits, but I wonder if the Tauros ep will ever be released, even as a sub.

Fun fact: No prunes in Dr Pepper. Never has been. From their FAQ: