
It’s been years since I saw anything except a white bread tab.

Can you “make” black garlic yourself?  Garlic is cheap and I can wait if it means saying the extra money.

My memory of Heaven and Hell are from the original Cosmos series and soundtrack.

My go-to toppings are ketchup, mustard, onion, pickle. I call it the acid burger.

One of the thigs Lucasfilm used to be praised for was that the universe looked “lived in”.  It is interesting to me that we conditioned people to expect clunky, junky tech then make fun of them for noticing when that asthetic was abandoned.  Please note I had no problem with the colors of the scooters, only with their

I grew up on 1970s Land of the Lost.  Bad special effects do not trouble me.

Maybe.  But we’ve seen shiny, new spaceships (Naboo fighters, Amidala’s transport), shiny USED spaceships (Mando’s new ride) and even shiny new droids.  People who didn’t like shiny new space Vespas are noticing how everything on that particular planet has been rusty, dingy and old-looking and the Power Rangers color

I wasn’t bothered that the speeder bikes were shiny, but rather by the fact that they moved slower than an old lady in  a walker.  That slow-motion chase scene was unintentionally hilarious.


Taco Casa reminded me of what Taco Bell used to be before they stated bringing all food in pre-cooked from a commissary.

I moved to VA from North Texas and yes. Bueno beats Bell in every category. Their platter meals were a big meal and a good value.

I’m disappointed that at no point did Bugs look at the camera and say “Of course, you know, this means war.”

I want to know more, and possibly subscribe to your newsletter.

I can’t imagine how knowing the weight of the product would be useful knowing that a “plain” vanilla ice cream is probably going to weigh out differently from a product made with nuts, chunks of fudge, marshmallows, or cookie dough.

I’ve been calling that guy “Great Value Keanu Reeves” since I saw that movie.

An official explanation?  I don’t know.  A plausible explanation?  In an age where a replicator can instantly produce basically anything you ask for, I would be surprised if  uniform designs did not change frequently.  Heck I work in a retail environment and they have us changing signage and flyers just about every

Isn’t that how carbon credits are designed to work?  I thought the whole idea was to reward low-polluters and force high polluters to pay more to conduct business?

If Burger King has a meatless “burger” patty, a meatless “chicken” patty, and a meatless “nugget” in their inventory, they could already claim to have 50% (or more) of their menu as Vegan. It’s meaningless.  If and when 50% of their SALES come from their plant-based product, on the other hand, would be big news.

apparently not.

I did. I don’t like beans in my chili because it mostly just goes with hot dogs.