
I looked it up and it appears to be a brand of tequila.

ooh.  That one.

Is it wrong that I still want that batsh*t genetically-altered, assault weapon toting bipedal dinosaur Jurassic Park sequel we never got?

That looks objectively terrible.  Subjectively terrible too.

My taste impression was that they toned down the “cola” flavor and added a little extra cinnamon which almost gave me a graham cracker feeling. There was a berry flavor too, but that might have just been the toned-down cola flavor allowing a subtle under-tone flavor to rise up.

I’ve eaten Jimmy Johns’ sandwiches and ended up wondering why I hadn’t remembered tasting anything besides mustard.

Well I absolutely prefer that to having eight year old kids going door-to-door.

They still sell popcorn and I feel absolute sympathy for those kids. Here’s a dollar’s worth of stale popcorn. It costs $6.00. They should fire the marketing firm that talked them into that.

I want to know why they can’t just add coding to iOS that will user if a tag they don’t own is in their proximity more than xx times? A little pop up message saying something like “your iPhone has been within <number> feet of an unknown air tag 6 times this week.”

I have long been of the opinion that Wendy’s has genius-level ideas and kindergarten execution. They made an “artisanal” pretzel bun burger that was amazing. I ordered it three times. The last time I ordered it they had ditched the pretzel bun in favor of a hard chiabatta roll and ditched the microgreens and high

Remember when HULU brought back Animaniacs, and we were all pretty excited, but then the show came on, and all the characters besides the Warners, Pinky, and the Brain were absent and the jokes were flat and the stories wandered into “preachy’ territory?

Chief O’Brien would like to have a word with you...

It’s been done.   https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072499/

Feet your eelings.

There’s at least a reasonable chance that your neighbor was emotionally or physically abusive and that her husband didn’t tell her where he went in order to escape her abuse.  In other words, it’s still creepy.

I’m guessing it means Limited Time Only.

Can you mind whammy a droid?

Meet Joe Black was terrible? Or Phantom Menace?

All I want is to see Scott Bakula, gun and NCIS badge in hand, leap out of the body of Special Agent Pride.  It’s all I want I tell you.