
I believe that the engineering of the day intended that a heavy car would survive a wreck mostly in tact and protect the occupants. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. Crumple zones and frames designed to steer impact away from the driver and passengers did not come along until later.

When I hear the word “metaverse” I am reminded of the 3D televisions that all the manufacturers were sure would sell millions of units. Just because you can make a thing, does not mean the masses are going to line up to buy it.

I’m old enough to remember the carter years, with double digit inflation and double digit unemployment.  If you can remember the 80's as a monstrosity, I can remember the 70s as somehow worse.

I called it centaur-kracken

So we’re not fifty years away. We’re... thirty years away. Thanks.

If I know anything about Star Wars, I expect his in-universe name to be something like “Sandick Laows”

Typical Texas people skills.  Cheers.

We have Whataburger in Oklahoma, too.

I still have not watched one minute of it.

Good Grief.

Make Mine Whataburger.

I always thought that capers and kippers were the same thing.

I know I’m in the Greys but still... This show should be on this list.

I’m from Oklahoma and for me it was all about Hershey’s kisses.

Brussels prouts.

Shave her head and put her in the chair.  I’d watch her as Professor X

I admit, I’m interested in the poultry-seasoned chex mix.

If you like Firehouse Subs, get ‘em now.  I can’t imagine the quality of ingredients will go anywhere but down after this.

Has the guy who played Spidey in The Electric Company denied being in it yet?

I’m in cell phone sales and I don’t remember any recall for the Note 9. I did a search and found ONE story about a real estate agent who claimed that her phone caught fire. On the same page were stories about other phones and an iPad that caught fire in a similar way. Can give a link showing that the Note 9 was