
I despised that show.

but but but... Facebook SUPPORTS updated Internet regulations!  Doesn’t that mean we should always trust them to do the right thing?  

Maybe you could have used Bok Choi.

and he dates chickens

“We Apologize For The Inconvenience...”?

Aren’t *special* mushrooms often found in cow poop?

So... six episodes of Die Hard with a Bow and Arrow?

Absolutely an urban myth. EVERYONE knows you have to get a wrapper with the birthday party to get the free tootsie pop.

Q Force sounds a little like those gay navy commandos in Venture Bros.

His betrayal of Neo will be legen- wait for it— dary.

Oh, would that they could back-to-the-Future themselves into an encounter with Kirk and co. on their whale rescue mission.

If Little Caesars is often in well-travelled shopping centers with big name stores as neighbors, then the same should be true for Pizza Hut, Dominos, and Papa John.

I am a fifty-something year old man and I can tell you I am often completely invisible when I go to restaurants and dine alone. I get seated in a lonely corner of the dining area, my server doesn’t seem to ever notice I am there. I sometimes have trouble getting so much as a menu and a cup of water. It doesn’t matter

I get the same thing except corn.

Long have I waited for some fast food provider to create a spicy chicken and waffle breakfast sandwich. I’d think a chain with southern roots would jump on the idea.

I only wish I could give you more than one star for this comment

Back in my day Dominos would deliver a 9" (medium) pizza to the dorms for about five bucks. Pizza arrived screaming hot and tasted better than it had a right to.

I don’t know if they have mouths. They’re alien creatures each one the size of a sesame seed that live and evolve on a faster time frame. The novel follows the creature as they evolve from primitive creatures to an advanced technological civilization. Their development might have been triggered by a human probe that

Dragon’s Egg is a novel by Robert Forward describing tiny life forms that evolve on a neutron star.

Twitter is, in fact, the Devil.