Jalop is Dead

You know, not all birds are raptors. And plenty of birds can fly. You know, they named cars like Falcon and Tunderbird (plenty of others from other manufacturers). Raptors (bird reference) are birds of prey. Not all desert birds are birds of prey. There are plenty of species of birds that dont hunt or eat vertebrates

And the Ford Raptor cant fly as well. So what exactly are we talking about?

You know, birds are Dinos......right?

Wasnt the old 6.2 a quad cam motor? Or at the least a SOHC? Didnt think ford made any pushrod V8s for at least a decade......

Well, in the Dinosaur arena, the bigger Raptor is called the T-Rex......

Doesnt a big volcano eruption do much more damage than all humans combined?

No, windtunnel testing is something like $100k/hr. They dont use it for long!

I dunno man.....BTCC cars have a shitload of camber. He was pulling almost 2Gs in some corners. The high camber may be the only way they can turn the wheel at slower speeds from likely anti-ackerman steering geometry. Just one thought though.

Problems come up when air travels over the car in a direction it was never intended. Once that car turns sideways, who know how its going to process air. Its not like they windtunnel air across the side or directed at the rear.

I got my license in SC. All you need at 15.5 is a drivers ed course (taught in highschool....and is a fucking joke....material made in the 1980 taught in the 2000s) and to take a test. At 16 you can get your full license once you pass a road test. The road test consisted of about a 1.25 mile out and back, finishing

There is a much larger underlying problem with your statement than the 35mph. 

Did you even read my comment? Make it tiered so that you can obtain a commuting license with minimal education (I’d like to see it more than current education requirements) so that people actually do FULL STOP at stop signs......the “poor” can get to work and hopefully save enough for a unrestricted license where they

One of the best ways to prevent deaths from accidents is to prevent the accident in the first place. This is solved with education. Make it MUCH more difficult to obtain a driver license, or make it a tiered system (as to not negatively affect the lower income brackets) where a beginner permit allows you to use

The irony of someone saying “stupid name” and they are named Dave is amazing. 

RIght!?!? if a name doesnt matter, why do people get so upset when it changes?

Thanks for your addition to this conversation. Very impactful. 

I thought we were talking about a 60s mustang, then old cars in general. Dunno why you brought up a motorcycle.....

Went to the comments to get an explanation about this and leaving more confused. Help us understand fellow Eathers!

I was going to say because I get good MPG but I dont. I get 27mpg on the highway, and 22 in town. But I have owned it since new (its an ‘08) and it doest everything I need it to (daily beast). I also ski a lot so like the long roof to hold my topper box. I have also slept quite a bit in it during storms while

I completely agree with what you wrote while also standing by what I have said. Although rare, accidents do happen. We (society) likely put too much emphasis on how to be saved from a crash vs how to educate and train drivers better so they they dont crash at all.