
I really did like the detail that Taryn was a natural for this. She may be better suited than Kelvin, even- it’s clear that he got the job because he was the little brother, not that this was something he was drawn towards or showed much aptitude for. 

Not sure if I’ve ever seen that many tugs on a television show before.

The bit with DMX-Aimee Lee had me dying.  Shades of the three kids trying to escape in Judy’s Tesla.

Oh, yeah, I totally agree. I want to be told a story, I’m not watching TV for moral lessons. I just need my characters to be compelling and to give me a reason to care about their story.

The creators have so much compassion for all of their unlovable subjects.

His Wiki page puts Jesse’s birthday at 1976, so he would have been 24-25 in here, but J Gavin Wilde was is 19, but I suppose could pass for a being a few years older.

You missed MOD discs. A lot of this stuff, there is a market who will gladly pay for physical copies of the removed content while also keeping their subscriptions for other things.

It’s so hard to say what would’ve happened with Tenet. It’s really just not a very good movie, and I don’t think word of mouth would’ve helped it that much. It got decent returns overseas, though, so who knows? It might have had a decent showing in the states without the pandemic to drag it down, but you’re probably

Well, he can’t use Tintin Quarantino, that’s my dog’s name.

Dude’s only 60. He’ll get bored. He’ll come up with a loophole. Or he’ll say, “Fuck it”. Or, “Did you think I was serious?” Or, “Yeah, I meant it then, but things change”. Or whatever. In any event, he’ll make a 11th, 12th, 13th, how many ever more films down the road. It might be a year later, a few years, or ten

Tenet came out during the pandemic and so has an asterisk beside its box-office gross, but Dunkirk was a pretty huge success.

I think Baby Billy’s accent gets more and more ridiculous as the seasons go by, lol.

most monster trucks, the driver enters from the bottom and the controls are setup with motorcycle handlebars instead of a steering wheel. Usually in the center.

Danny DeVito

Doom gets a lot of flak for (a) Willie Scott and (b) totally wrongheaded accusations of racism.

Now playing

Simins’ new band with partner Jilly Weiss is excellent.

I feel very strongly that the kids “believe” in the baseline- as far as they’re concerned, God’s in His Heaven, Jesus at His side, etc. But it’s a thing you see in a lot of Christians where they’re on Team Jesus and they feel like that puts them above others and don’t think much about what Jesus tells everyone they

I’m not sure that’s a ‘nuclear bomb’ if I’m reading it correctly—-most people I know have it ranked:

Now playing

“There’ll Come a Payday” isn’t an original for the show:

Every time I see anything about this guy, I like to remind people that he’s an accomplished Cellist who has played in the orchestras for the scores to a couple of Mission Impossible movies, Star Trek into Darkness, and Rogue One, among others.   Let’s see Dylan McDermott top that.