
F-find young women, invite them over.

There will be a lot of bruv and innit, innit!

Sadly Chav Bond has already been done - c.f. Kingsman.


“He’s got an offer they can’t refuse... a WACKY offer! The Sopranos, this fall on HBO! Don’t you dare fuggedaboutit!”


If it ends up being Brydon, how bread week will certainly include a “small man in a bread box” bit. 

Rob Delaney would be SO GOOD.

Richard Ayoade would be too distracting - his star shines too bright. (Same with Matt Berry, who some have mentioned). I really like Rob Delaney though. He’s funny, he’s self-deprecating, and would bring an entirely new perspective.

However, it’s the Great British Bake Off, so I don’t see them hiring an American. Plus,

To be honest, when I think of the warm, encouraging host of a good-natured baking show, I can’t picture anyone other than Rob Brydon.

Or Matt Berry, doing the full Laszlo voice. Imagine how many syllables he could get into the word “pavlova”.

Sorry, but I don’t think any space-themed 50s set film with a desert town setting can compete with “The Vast of Night”.

Thanks for this. I’ve been seeing him this whole season and trying to figure why I was so unnerved by him. I thought I had maybe seen him in something when he was a kid, but a search showed me nothing. It’s definitely his resemblance to Michael Pitt that’s triggering me.

THAT’S what “The Good Fight” was about??

The only thing that could’ve redeemed Lucia’s plot at this point is if the Di Grassos discovered she was a not-very distant relative. Seems kinda hacky, sure, but also not out of the realm of a Mike White-scripted plot, if done right.

I think he’s playing 3-D Uno, where he slowly loses things one at a time (his wife, his family, his sponsorships) until he has just one thing left (the clothes he stands in perhaps?) and can shout “Uno!” as loud as he likes.

Sure, that sounds like Kanye. Always thinking 10 moves ahead.

If Kim doesn’t have significant personal security already, I’d be shocked. And I’m pretty sure she already changed the locks.

The moment she shows Harper a photo of her kids on her phone (while claiming to be looking to show off “her trainer”) felt particularly calculated in its ditziness, almost as if she knew what she was doing, telling Harper in no uncertain terms why she stayed with Cameron

The Buffy episode “Pangs” is a Thanksgiving classic