Much ado about NOTHING! JTs song didnt diminish the "take back the night" organization in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Get upset over stuff that actually matters. Stuff that will actually make a difference. Not over something as petty as this.
Much ado about NOTHING! JTs song didnt diminish the "take back the night" organization in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Get upset over stuff that actually matters. Stuff that will actually make a difference. Not over something as petty as this.
OH NO!!!!!!! An internet nobody called me a name? OH NOOOOO!!!!!!! Get over yourself. It was a joke. A joke that multiple people also thought was funny. Dont sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things.
Hell yeah, very smart guy. He and Frank Zappa spoke out against the PMRC and parental advisory stickers.
Are you sure that isnt Dee Snider?
Go to other countries and compare their freedom to ours. Then get back to me.
Where does it say white folks cant experience racism?
I am a racist because I don't think that there should be any rioting let alone in white neighborhoods? You clearly aren't very bright.
The point is I can say what I want when I want and if you dont like it tough siht.
This is a free country. Ever heard of freedom of speech? Suck it up.
Yeah, cause all white people are guilty. Seriously?
Yeah, because insulting people who have nothing to do with the verdict is constructive. Honky? Uh huh.
Freaking exactly!!
Mark my words. Oprah tells her followers what to read, eat, buy, watch, and think, and they do as they are told for the most part. Just watch.
HAHAHAHA!!! Love Watson.
I have faith that OWN will do the doc the right way. I am not a huge Oprah fan but I cant deny her ability to produce quality shows. I like Lohan. Nothing she has really done has hurt anyone but herself. Many stars have done a lot worse then Lohan, actually hurt people, and they arent thought of as poorly as Lohan.
May be paying her with little more than a rejuvenation to Lohans career.
there was TWO articles about those "poor women" from Texas. how many more articles do they need to tell their story?
Don't discount this Lindsay Lohan reality show just yet, people. Everything Oprah seems to touch turns to gold. With an army of women behind Oprah if Oprah embraces Lindsay Lohan then expect a large portion of Oprahs following to do the same. You can bet this show will get good ratings and this could put Lohans career…
No, I meant Donny. Mark is a TERRIBLE actor.
Why in the world "ew"? JM is beautiful and seems cool and DW is a pretty damn good actor and seems like a cool guy. Are you being serious or were you joking and just failed?