
Ride all the animals sidesaddle!

At this point, I am assuming that anyone who posts, “you know who else shouldn’t be tax exempt? All Churches” is a Scientology troll. Such posts certainly do a bang up job of distracting people from talking about the abuses of Scientology, and they are so consistently supported here.

Please. Please give us another choice. PLEASE.

Well, everyone has to see how sexy she looks while she screams the scream of a braying Donkeys death rattle. So foxy!

My experience in dealing with over a thousand college-bound or first-year college students, over 20 years, has led me to believe this:

Jesus Christ, watching the clip of his comments made me feel all anxious and shitty about myself, and I am usually a super confident, capable fat woman.

I just wrote an email to Comedy Central asking them to cancel his show. What an asshole.

It shouldn't matter that he's educated and well-dressed and adorable. IT SHOULDN'T FUCKING MATTERRRRRRR AARRRGGGHHHH

What we REALLY need to talk about is Ru's going off at the girls at the end of the episode. It was 100% justified and 1000% terrifying.

What no mention of Katya's Abraham Lincoln drag? That was one of the smartest and funniest looks of the show.


That's because you're not a raging psychopath, dear.

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

Where am I going to get my fix of big burly dudes cuddling tiny babies now that Tyreese is gone?!? Why didn't TWD think of MY needs?!?

im so upset right now

Do we know for a fact that she's infertile though? I thought the bleeding at the end of ADwD implied otherwise...

Just decided: I'm starting a fast food chain that pays entry-level employees $20 just to piss off FrostyBitch and everyone else blathering about how it isn't fair. Suck on that, assholes!