Jacuzzi Jeff

I'm in my mid twenties and had my first a month ago out of curiosity. Not bad for what it is. But I'm a Burger King man

"No one's called their wife a battle axe since the 40's!"
He's my favorite Conan guest for his old timey jokes and Conan's reaction.

I've seen it quite a few times across many cities because some library computers aren't in a place employees work around a lot. Quite a few are super vigilant and shut that stuff down real quick especially in high traffic areas.

They serve old timey fancy drinks and you won't find it without someone letting you know where it is like an old warehouse or in the back of a watch store. Most aren't that crazy but the weirder, they more cool kids pat themselves on their own back.

I'd love a Paul episode focusing on what he's up to all day away from his wife. That could be hilariously specific with his hobbies. Or the life of the neighbor boy whose father abandoned him.

Every book enthusiast remembers their first porno homeless man encounter.
Paul's manic enthusiasm for things like Chinese food regions is delightful. It's hilarious to see a guy with GI problems eat his way through Chinatown to end up exposed on the floor of a fake jail.

Leave it to Youre the Worst to make me enjoy, laugh and engage with one the most obnoxious conversation topics among hipsters in Los Angeles. Speakeasies are quaint and creative for their locations but when you're there the drinks are over the top and conversation is about how cool everyone is or eclectic. Jimmy's

I just looked that up for the first time. So funny and I love Dennis Farina. If you haven't seen Jon Glaser's bit in Delocated where he has a mental breakdown and begins believing he's Farina, it's worth a look. Ohio State, University of Kentucky and Notre Dame fans are pretty awful too when it comes to blind

Those leather saguaro high tops are perfect for the ironic turqouise bolo wearing hipster cowboy in Yuma, Arizona. He was the first guy to buy his chili at Trader Joe's to bring to the campfire…vegan chili too. He plays a 1920s Gibson banjolele and does western inspired Beirut covers. Everyone hates him. He hates

Sid's violent alcoholic father's work boots are the coolest. That's my brand.

The first time I drove through Florida I listened to sports radio and a heavy accented guy called in to say, "I just wanted to call and say 'Go Gators!' Im gonna hang up on myself now." My dad and I still quote that ten years later and laugh.

"Erlich, this is you as an old man…"

Where all Erlich Bachman types come up with silly names for new projects. Was Seeso created there?

Sausage pancakes or death

I worked as a cowboy doing cattle drives across Utah as a teen and collegian and my main boss had a sausage pancake recipe I could not compare to anything. Never do bacon pancakes when sausage is available. Try them. Never look back.

For my girls

Whoever sees my Postmates account laughs when I ask for one fork and knife for a small wedding size order of curry and pizza. My kind of wedding.

Peter Burgers is already owned by the Wahlbergs. They're geniuses when it comes to competitive intellectual property.

I wish Garry Marshall could've been behind this. "Heyyy!!!! You got the spooky American guy with all the guitars and the creepy English guy with all the sound effects and what-not. It's gonna be a hit soundtrack! C'mon!"

If his kids turned on him he'd deny ever knowing them.
"But you're our Dad, Papa!"
"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!"