@avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus hey, I was in the chorus for a Lord of the Rings Symphony a few years back. Loved the Moria bits.
@avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus hey, I was in the chorus for a Lord of the Rings Symphony a few years back. Loved the Moria bits.
To be fair, they had all dropped down the tunnel by the time the Lindir shows up.
To be fair, they had all dropped down the tunnel by the time the Lindir shows up.
Constable Reggie?
Constable Reggie?
There are beers where that would be reasonable, maybe Pliny the Younger, but I'm talking about like getting a widely-available belgian like anything from Huyghe or a 750 of Duvel, or even a Unibroue — you're talking $8-10 at a bottle shop or convenience store.
There are beers where that would be reasonable, maybe Pliny the Younger, but I'm talking about like getting a widely-available belgian like anything from Huyghe or a 750 of Duvel, or even a Unibroue — you're talking $8-10 at a bottle shop or convenience store.
Well, the best part was the kids who were mugging their way through Wonderful christmastime. Straight goofin right next to Paul McCartney. 12-y-o- girls got balls.
Well, the best part was the kids who were mugging their way through Wonderful christmastime. Straight goofin right next to Paul McCartney. 12-y-o- girls got balls.
That's a perfectly cromulent price for a big 26-oz bottle of a fancypants beer. Ommegang's a great brewery, tho — it'll be worth it.
That's a perfectly cromulent price for a big 26-oz bottle of a fancypants beer. Ommegang's a great brewery, tho — it'll be worth it.
it's the cadence and timbre.
it's the cadence and timbre.
wub wub
wub wub
I thought Alun Armstrong was in this too, but I musta been thinking of Krull