I thought Alun Armstrong was in this too, but I musta been thinking of Krull
I thought Alun Armstrong was in this too, but I musta been thinking of Krull
Dolly Parton X Kenny Rogers Once Upon a Christmas
or Joan Baez Noël, if only for the fact that Peter Schickele arranged it
or the Chipmunks Christmas
I think I need some new Christmas albums.
Dolly Parton X Kenny Rogers Once Upon a Christmas
or Joan Baez Noël, if only for the fact that Peter Schickele arranged it
or the Chipmunks Christmas
I think I need some new Christmas albums.
Definitely yes on the Duellists. It's a nice little picture - very atmospheric. searching "saber fights" on youtube brings up most of the duels from that movie, and some other, non-english ones.
Definitely yes on the Duellists. It's a nice little picture - very atmospheric. searching "saber fights" on youtube brings up most of the duels from that movie, and some other, non-english ones.
Ok, now for the grampa nally.
Ok, now for the grampa nally.
Topless — like you're in downtown boobopolis.
Topless — like you're in downtown boobopolis.
that's … that's crazy.
that's … that's crazy.
He was that guy in blackface
He was that guy in blackface
i would have just said tear up. like cry. 'cause he's kinda mopey.
i would have just said tear up. like cry. 'cause he's kinda mopey.
At ours yesterday I got two bottles of Boone's Farm.
At ours yesterday I got two bottles of Boone's Farm.
And you wonder why we call you an evil maniac, Dr. Zarnak??
And you wonder why we call you an evil maniac, Dr. Zarnak??
…as a joke.
This sounds like it'll have a really dramatic Secret Garden/Grand Hotel/Cats vibe to it.