Jack Strawb

Corinne asks 'why do I feel ashamed.'

when Forest Whitaker was seriously fucking up Vic's shit

Damn. I was hoping to find a re-watch. Not a 2008 thread.

Being of average intelligence is pretty freaking dumb, isn't it?

I was about to post something very similar. It's just not working.

Think of the comatose!

The Detective was a laughably bad vanity project. He was fine in Eternity, though.

Never got Sinatra. I wasn't in on the hoopla when it happened and it seemed crystal clear that something serious damaged his voice not long into his career. He had spectacular pipes until then, and was ordinary after.

Nope. You've got company. Skyfall had some good bits, but that's all it was. Some good bits glued together. The ending was overlong and silly.

Works for me.

The pair are far from new to the series, having actually written every James Bond movie since The World Is Not Enough in 1999.

So it makes you smile? Or it's not even half funny? Or…?

Wildly overrated.

Any halfway decent actress willing to muscle up for a role could have played that treacle, provided she swam well enough to avoid drowning in all the syrup. The fight scenes were nothing special, requiring a modicum of quickness and agility, but no great skill.

It's bizarre to see sharp, scrawny Blanchett in a sentence with Kurylenko.

Yes. It was an absurd point to make.

God, yes. It's astounding.

Agreed. Has Kettle seen sculpture recently?

Which has me wondering whether that's intended, or simply weak or indecisive writing?

Agree wrt Nichols, but damn, she seems depressed. Is that just the actress, or is she getting direction to play her character as though she had difficulty not frowning?