Jack Strawb

You either get English, or a series that's a minor tv footnote, with six episodes of invented alien languages plus subtitles that's cancelled in October.

"I couldn't figure out exactly what this guy was supposed to be doing, or what he was trying to stop…"

"With the exception of "Spock's Brain," I'm of the opinion that
everything we've seen so far had at least some potential in the opening

"…but I do often feel that they don't quit grasp the ubiquity and full extent of sexist bullshit the average woman deals with on a regular basis,…"

If we posit that all women face sexism (not a particularly meaningful thing to posit, and further it ignores the privileges that come with being a woman especially in the industrialized west), we'll do well to accept that all men face comparable pressures, constraints, and difficulties. The upside of ostensible

And women blandly asserting that they've experienced it similarly adds little, as does the assumption that the overall sum of gender imbalance terribly harms all women.

Isn't the point, as always, to look at problems as comprehensively at possible, the better to find solutions? No one is served by an emphasis that implies violence is primarily something men do to women.

Huh. The script and acting were so tiresome I didn't even stick around long enough to realize there was an apocalypse goin' on. I'm also concerned about Julia Stiles' head. It's threatening to become wider than it is high, something only Dennis Franz was previously afflicted with. Definitely worrisome.

Brilliance? It was a batch of prosaic ten to fifteen minute scenes dully stitched together. It was some number of things but it was sorely lacking in brilliance. I'll give you David as Lawrence as clever, but other than that?

Ten years ago he would have been a lock.

I agree entirely, and that's not even taking into account how wildly overrated Pan's Labyrinth is. It's mean spirited and scarcely better than mediocre.

WTH? Jeff Goldblum with his bumpty jew shtik and turnip shaped head as Dr. Strange? How the hell could this even occur to someone? It's like hearing about a proposed film to be titled The Kate Upton Story and taking seriously Amy Poehler's bid to play the eponymous lead.

"But I think that OSW's letter raises the idea of encouraging men to
behave like decent human beings, in the context of rejecting "rape
culture" if they find themselves confronted with it."

Hamm doesn't have anything like the range I'd want to see, nor the ability to suggest unplumbed depths, especially not unplumbed, tormented depths essential to a good Strange tale.

"we at least know he has some experience adapting a beloved genre classic
into a modern blockbuster movie. Spaihts, after all, wrote a draft of
the Prometheus screenplay"

Yeah, it wasn't a perfect series, but your second point supports my post, no?

Since I can't be the first, or even one of the few, to tell you how incoherent your rattling on is (your first reply simply doesn't have a single legible sentence in it), take what heed you can. It's also the case that my first post to you was entirely friendly, a clear, sarcastic, "I'm on your side" offhand comment,

Well, giving your lengthy reply (and so quickly!) after two years the respect it's obviously due, I'll have to re-watch all seven seasons with this aspect in mind and get back to you, probably in 2016.

Well, giving your lengthy reply (and so quickly!) after two years the respect it's obviously due, I'll have to re-watch all seven seasons with this aspect in mind and get back to you, probably in 2016.

My understanding was that the writer's strike blew up the series, so there's no inherent reason it can't be engaging, especially in the limited 13 show format described up above.