Jack Strawb

Hiro, sure. He was an entertaining character. Ando, though? You could only think this if Tadao Ando made a guest appearance I somehow missed and spoke with warmth and candor for the hour about his Row House at Sumiyoshi.

Since it's their money and since I enjoyed much of the first season of Heroes, I'm happy to have them throw millions at this endeavour in the, what? 10% chance it'll turn out to be enjoyable?

I'm impressed by the uncanny ability of the reviewer to avoid like plagues and rats any honest feeling whatsoever.

I'll go an inch further and suggest there's nothing absurd about it even now. Granted, absolutely, that 45 years ago it would have been more clearly and distinctly relevant, but today, when black and brown income are very little improved as a percentage of white income; when as Michelle Alexander writes, drug laws

I'll go an inch further and suggest there's nothing absurd about it even now. Granted, absolutely, that 45 years ago it would have been more clearly and distinctly relevant, but today, when black and brown income are very little improved as a percentage of white income; when as Michelle Alexander writes, drug laws

I hope not 'in trouble', but you do sound like a 23 year old who's embarrassed to tell people you love them and who thinks honest emotion doesn't really exist.

I hope not 'in trouble', but you do sound like a 23 year old who's embarrassed to tell people you love them and who thinks honest emotion doesn't really exist.

Even that benediction seriously undervalues the best, oh, say, twenty episodes of TOS. The scripts hold up with the best scripts of any tv of that era, genre or not. It was also, thankfully, an era when naturalistic directing was not in vogue and an underrated tv director like Joe McEveety could use almost nothing but

Even that benediction seriously undervalues the best, oh, say, twenty episodes of TOS. The scripts hold up with the best scripts of any tv of that era, genre or not. It was also, thankfully, an era when naturalistic directing was not in vogue and an underrated tv director like Joe McEveety could use almost nothing but

It's strange that Janeway might be considered the worst captain. Bakula's just sort of a guy, a friendly, kinda hapless lunk, and something of a hair actor, which is why he's so good in Men of a Certain Age, since that's exactly what he plays.

It's strange that Janeway might be considered the worst captain. Bakula's just sort of a guy, a friendly, kinda hapless lunk, and something of a hair actor, which is why he's so good in Men of a Certain Age, since that's exactly what he plays.

It's always been of interest to me that pretty much everything that followed hinges on TOS' best 10 episodes, without which we're talking about "that sf show, what was it called, that had real promise, but Who Mourns for Adonais was about as good as it got."

It's always been of interest to me that pretty much everything that followed hinges on TOS' best 10 episodes, without which we're talking about "that sf show, what was it called, that had real promise, but Who Mourns for Adonais was about as good as it got."

The scene wherein she crawls into a conveniently Marianna Hill sized air duct fueled my adolescence.

The scene wherein she crawls into a conveniently Marianna Hill sized air duct fueled my adolescence.

I thought the way he opened up in ST IV set the stage for that, no?

I thought the way he opened up in ST IV set the stage for that, no?

It's also a shame that with Dork, I mean, Worf, Klingons were turned into grunting idiots who could only act with the lower half of their faces. "Honor [grunt] duty [grunt] honor…" Fecking awful. You know its bad when your alien race peaks with its first appearance and falls off a cliff ever after. What the hell was

It's also a shame that with Dork, I mean, Worf, Klingons were turned into grunting idiots who could only act with the lower half of their faces. "Honor [grunt] duty [grunt] honor…" Fecking awful. You know its bad when your alien race peaks with its first appearance and falls off a cliff ever after. What the hell was

Untrue. She played a nun, for crying out loud, in The Sea-Wife. Stop making me cite this execrable film, internet. Thanks.