Jack Strawb

Untrue. She played a nun, for crying out loud, in The Sea-Wife. Stop making me cite this execrable film, internet. Thanks.

Hmm. Collins co-starred in The Sea-Wife with Richard Burton when Burton was a pretty big deal in the US.

Hmm. Collins co-starred in The Sea-Wife with Richard Burton when Burton was a pretty big deal in the US.

Not 'willing to tolerate the Nazis', but as Spock states, a devout pacifist at exactly the wrong time in history. Think Gandhi in Poland in 1939 and what his fate would have been.

Not 'willing to tolerate the Nazis', but as Spock states, a devout pacifist at exactly the wrong time in history. Think Gandhi in Poland in 1939 and what his fate would have been.

Yup. I hadn't seen the episode in about twenty years, and I too was struck by the unforced rapport between Collins and Shatner. For some reason I also got stuck watching The Sea Wife, also starring Collins. The dame could act. In City she or the director was good enough to know that a warm smile, walking a little too

Yup. I hadn't seen the episode in about twenty years, and I too was struck by the unforced rapport between Collins and Shatner. For some reason I also got stuck watching The Sea Wife, also starring Collins. The dame could act. In City she or the director was good enough to know that a warm smile, walking a little too

What series can you possibly be talking about? There are significant subplots in nearly every episode of TOS.

What series can you possibly be talking about? There are significant subplots in nearly every episode of TOS.

Not sure why I know this, but I know this: Unless you're talking the deepest darkest depths of someone's scribble on the back of an envelope Sulu was always the helmsman, who happened to have an enormous variety of interests, one of which happened to be botany.

Not sure why I know this, but I know this: Unless you're talking the deepest darkest depths of someone's scribble on the back of an envelope Sulu was always the helmsman, who happened to have an enormous variety of interests, one of which happened to be botany.

"Roddenberry decided to have Sulu turn into D'artagnan instead of a
samurai because assuming that his bizarre boyhood swordplay fantasy
would be a *Japanese* swordplay fantasy would be racist."

"Roddenberry decided to have Sulu turn into D'artagnan instead of a
samurai because assuming that his bizarre boyhood swordplay fantasy
would be a *Japanese* swordplay fantasy would be racist."

Eh. I'm a real fan of TOS while acknowledging its shortcomings, and all I really care about is whether a change alters the original meaning or intention, or takes me out of the story. I can't recall the remastering ever doing so, so I'm fine with it. Now if they could just reshoot the aliens in The Galileo Seven…

Eh. I'm a real fan of TOS while acknowledging its shortcomings, and all I really care about is whether a change alters the original meaning or intention, or takes me out of the story. I can't recall the remastering ever doing so, so I'm fine with it. Now if they could just reshoot the aliens in The Galileo Seven…

If you think Where No Man Has Gone Before, Mudd's Women, and The Naked Time are slow, then the problem is you, 'cause they ain't. I'll give you Man Trap, though. I could easily cut that baby by 20% and it would still drag.

If you think Where No Man Has Gone Before, Mudd's Women, and The Naked Time are slow, then the problem is you, 'cause they ain't. I'll give you Man Trap, though. I could easily cut that baby by 20% and it would still drag.

If only they could have given her plunging acting skills. I swear, that crew was probably worse than the hair actors making up the crew of Enterprise (and with apologies to John Billingsley). Other than Stewart, who hammed it up shamelessly from time to time, as if his directors forgot to remind him this wasn't radio

If only they could have given her plunging acting skills. I swear, that crew was probably worse than the hair actors making up the crew of Enterprise (and with apologies to John Billingsley). Other than Stewart, who hammed it up shamelessly from time to time, as if his directors forgot to remind him this wasn't radio

Granted this was a while back, but there's no reason not to start with the best of Zack's list to see if you enjoy the original series. If at some point you decide you want to stay with it, skip the worst half of the 79 episodes the original series offers and enjoy some good to truly special tv.