Jack Strawb

"But he seems to lack a critical sensitivity to just how disturbing or
shocking is the violence upon which he lavishes so much attention."

You'd be better off making a quip about what a dull, bloated mediocrity he's become.

Wow, $45 for a shittily designed poster. I mean, that's legendarily shitty. That's bad community theater shitty.

You want Castle to make fucking sense?

Agreed, and a lot of what doesn't work follows from when he turns into a sniggering 8 year old who apparently finds everything to do with bodily fluids and gases absolutely hilarious. If he had the discipline to cut that foolishness he'd really have something.

Isn't the big news if someone, somewhere, cares?

"More indebted to Peter Weir’s The Last Wave than to Cecil B. DeMille, Noah
dares to locate a thin line between belief and madness, devotion and
zealotry. When the Almighty communicates only in signs, how is a
faithful follower to tell delusions from duties?"

Docked for the script's obvious falsity. In an actual episode of Girls Dunham would have taken a onscreen dump before titles.

Melissa McBride, yes, years ago, at a fundraising thing for the Metropolitan Museum of Art (I didn't know who she was. She may not have been acting at that point. It was one of those situations where after the fact a friend tells you "did you know who you were talking to? Wasn't she in that thing?" [have to say I have

Once they got rid of the lesbian subtext there was no more dully written superhero than Wonder Woman . SJ as Black Widow, though? In her scenes in Avengers she showed she could do the action sequences spectacularly well. Add to that only Downey and Ruffalo can hold a candle to her as straight actors and there's

When the first Tomb Raider came out, a male friend and I decided to go to "the thinking man's movie of the year" entirely because of Jolie. And I was nominally an adult at the time! There's never been a male star with a comparable pull on me.

Definitely room in this case for us both to be somewhat right.


Strange, that in discussions of all time great actors Hackman's name never comes up. Never.

Ah—just keep in mind it's no longer child support, but rather support for a woman's decision to bring a zygote to term.

Well, it's something to point to anyway when we're asked exactly how badly written the show was.

Still and all, if this lot of incompetent writers could tell a story, they'd resolve this and turn it into a non-issue in three lines of dialogue.
Maggie says she's terrified for Beth and thinks she might be dead, but she knows both that Glenn got on the bus, and that if she can find him the two of them have a better

"Did we ever find out what made Eugene say Omg when he looked at the tunnel?"

And the solution was so simple—have them yak a little bit, have Glenn acknowledge the danger, but tell the others that if Maggie went that way it was probably all right, that he was afraid of losing an hour, then maybe have him hear something that may or may not be a scream from down the tunnel. The bit where

Fair enough. I made the mistake of assuming the writers and director would have taken 15 seconds to do the usual business that shows us pursuit has been lengthy (sun going down, series of shots of Daryl walking against changing backgrounds, i.e. Film 101) and since they didn't I assumed they wanted us to believe Daryl