Jack Strawb

Wouldn't it also cause the blood to drain into your bag if you just stuffed it there?

They also sounded like a pack of rapists, and as such were fair game.

' Joe is all "fuck society, this world is ours." '

Pshaw. There was crap all over the road. An experienced tracker could tell you which of two ways (D had just come from the third possible direction) a vehicle had gone by the pattern of detritus a speeding vehicle leaves.

But then you end up with guys fighting all the time in order to get the third instead of the fourth half of the rabbit.

You say "(other than Rosita)" as though being hooked up with one of the Last Babes of the Apocalypse wasn't a pretty big deal.

"You people are like the plague!"

Makes sense, but probably doesn't work in the context of the claims made by the producers and actors, that this is going to be the biggest episode they've ever attempted. That means the Terminus Gang is going to have to do some nasty stuff pretty fast for the ep to turn into a series of firefights and lunacy. So if

Please. Do I really need to recount the unsurpassable awfulness of removing the helmets, and jolting the alien head with electricity? C'mon. That's "it's a new planet! Ten million miles from earth!" bad.

Just had a terrifying premonition of Daryl indignantly saying to Rick in the finale, when Rick requests his help, "I ain't no indoor cat!!"

"Mewling quim" was a admirably cunning way of avoiding an R rating.


Hmm. She is one of those women who look rather better clothed.

While it's an impressive, even legendary butt, no actor gave a better performance in Avengers than SJ. She really was very, very good. She excelled in her four big scenes.

Yes, they're looking for excuses to not make money.

So on one side you have this article's claims, and on the other side you have an industry that yields to none other in its cynical cash grabs and that bets its money year after year that the article's claims are incorrect. Such a puzzler.

The original was a delightful surprise. A sequel won't be. Don't do it, guys.

A science fiction movie that can't get basic science right, and whose scientists do things dull laymen are too smart to do? That's not an honest failure, it's a film that never had any chance at all of being good.

I can see the value of the idea. Maybe among other things you discount votes from voters who vote too many 9's and 10's and 1's and 2's, or discount the votes of voters who only sporadically visit the site…?

"Exactly! …."