
It’s smoke and mirrors, stage-craft, pure public theater. Two Scoops has not only reduced the POTUS to a private corporate post, he has set his sights on reducing the complexity of government to that of a small, traveling circus with himself as the ringmaster. Even if he’s really just tge chief clown.

Vote Vets pointed out on Twitter just how much bullshit this border guard thing is. They cannot legally do anything to “protect” the border. They can only provide logistical support. This is a political stunt, pure and simple, and a MASSIVE waste of time, money, personnel, and resources. 

I assume her husband is not, in fact, an ambulatory pile of sewage, and did not find this prank on his cancer survivor wife funny.

Also, if I were a person who discovered that their wife’s doctor had deliberately dyed her vagina as a joke to me, I would be fucking LIVID. Even without the cancer-survivor aspect, you violated the most intimate part of my spouse’s body without her consent.

“It was a joke for (my husband).”

Yeah, except that it sounds like he’s working on a military base now, which means he’s collecting a government check and his patients likely don’t have a choice about whether or not to see him. *burns everything down*

It's all fun and games until you get sued for malpractice, battery, and failure to get informed consent, and then get dropped by your insurance carrier and no hospital will gives you privileges. 

I...I don’t understand this. The idea is to promote disconnecting by providing yet another connected device that is even more hassle because the battery sucks, it’s a phone but generally doesn’t work as a phone, and it doesn’t seem like (to me) it’ll be effective as a stand alone device of any kind??

I can’t get over that face.

I know my legal rights as an American citizen that voted for Trump.

No, but hopefully law enforcement will.

If you drive for Lyft/Uber/whateverthefuck, GET A DASHCAM. Seriously. Protect yourself against assholes like this guy.

“I know my legal rights as an American citizen who voted for Trump.”

The fact that he maintained the FULL 16 minutes of this video means he should get a fucking medal.  That is some serious self control. 

I’m also puzzled by this, because neither gay, nor Latino are races lol. Also, non-Black people, this is your weekly reminder to stop saying “nigga” or any of its variants.

He’s gay and voted for Trump so he should know that he has no rights.

That face is why I don’t talk politics with my Trump-supporting family, because I dont like being in situations where I involuntarily make that face in order to suppress my desire to shout insults at the top of my lungs.

I know.  The expression on his face when the idiot is ranting on & on just says it all.  All that drama over music -- he could have been at his destination and listening to all the music he wanted if he hadn’t decided to be a jerk.  I bet he has pulled this crap before.  All that crap about being “racially profiled”

“Racially profiled because I’m not black.”