
The cop is right. It is a distraction to the job of driving.

How about the principle of parking correctly and not getting tickets in the first place?

“I didn’t let a single one off easy either, I don’t take kindly to idiots who are wrong spouting their mouth. Cop or not.”

“This is Wiggum reporting a 318 - waking a police officer.


I’m surprised the officer in the picture wasn’t also on his mobile phone while on the computer, both which of course are illegal in my state but hey, because cops, they’re above all laws, so I guess it’s okay.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

Yeah, but the beauty of this plan is that if everybody already thinks they’ve cancelled Moviepass, they won’t try to use the service.  Free $10 a month from everybody that doesn’t line-item check their credit card statements.

Here’s what you missed by only reading the first half of that sentence:

So having said, a while he stood, expecting
Thir universal shout and high applause 
To fill his eare, when contrary he hears
On all sides, from innumerable tongues
A dismal universal hiss, the sound
Of public scorn; he wonderd, but not long
Had leasure, wondring at himself now more; 
His Visage drawn he felt to sharp and

This would have been the greatest thing ever.... but Thanos actually has morals and is doing what he does trying to better the universe, also he doesn’t want to fuck his daughter and Gamora isn’t even related to him

He’s about to use that Snake Oil Stone 💚

I think you’re thinking of Thailand.

At this stage I’m less surprised that he slipped authorities than I am that he evaded a GOP nomination.

When all else fails...throw a rock.

The fact that he compares the story to a childish note, yeah he definitely thinks Kavanaugh’s actions were innocuous and very normal.

Those were the days.

No doubt. I’d say several somethings, in fact. There’s no way this piece of shit isn’t a fucking date rapist.

Remember when Malia was spotted out clubbing and the right had a complete meltdown?

Just imagine, for a second, one of the Obama girls, one of the Bush girls, or Chelsea Clinton doing something like this.