
Until at least 50% of Twitter says that Hillary Clinton sells slaves by selling pizza, the GOP won’t be happy.  They want insanity to have equal footing as facts.

Yeah Republicans aren't using these investigations to look into anti-competetitive practices. They're trying to stifle free speech and association and force beliefs on people and groups.

That train left the station when this soulless bigot deliberately stalled the constitutional right of a young imprisoned immigrant to get the abortion she chose to have, hoping to run out the clock with his prevaricating and force her to gestate against her will.

Kavanaugh seems to be the model of efficiency, demonstrating he’s a garbage human without wasting our time wondering if he’s got an iota of a scintilla of decency about him

He definitely gives off that vibe. Like I remember seeing the documentary Jesus Camp and then finding out later that the mega-church pastor had thing for meth and male prostitutes. Pence gives me the same vibe.

“I think he’s positioning himself to be the normal guy—the guy you can trust,” D’Antonio continued...

Is there anything they would put before Trump that he wouldn’t sign and Pence would?

I think they landed on a solid choice with the one actually used in the movies. But if I could pick another, based only upon my personal taste, it would be first pic, bottom row, sixth from left to right.

And the best part is the WB execs appeared to watch that, said “Yes, but darker!  With people saying ‘fuck’ as well!” and lo, Titans was born.

Sounds a lot like the TV show itself.

How are there giant flaming catapults underwater?!?
(Yes, I’m aware of the existence of Sodium, but how would they store it when it wasn’t being ignited?)

Look I'm all down with saying WW has a weak 3rd act, but boy howdy they do not have a miscast lead. 

WW had a miscast what now?

But they do have Michelle Pfeiffer

You know what the MCU doesn’t have? Nicole Kidman

Hail Atlanta!

Where’s the Coke plant?