Jack Frink

I liked the Civil War stuff because it gave Richard Beymer some interesting crazy stuff to play.

Leonard Cohen

A privileged white guy being obtuse about terrible things happening in this country? That never happens!

Trump doesn't listen to music.

She doesn't even use the sword!

The omission of that movie is surprising.

When Dawn of Justice is only #20, you know you're in for a dark slog.

Because he's a fascist

It actually is that simple.

Art can be important even when tragedies occur around us. Arguably that's when it's most needed. Lemonade is more vital now that we've elected a rapist.

It's a crapshoot. He's amazing some nights, other nights not so much. That's kinda how it's always been.

"I haven't heard the whole thing…"

Kinda feels like we're coming close to "it's Beyonce's fault that Trump won." Which would be ridiculous.

No mention of PJ Harvey or Animal Collective. Too bad; I thought both were really good.

Upvotes for Paul Simon mention.

Martin Sheen's character is quietly the most amoral person in the movie.

I think it's an absolute classic.

The ending is good.

One of Williams best.

A year later, this spoiler warning was wrong.