Jack Frink

Kristen Stewart isn't going to drag Annie to horrible experiences like Suicide Squad.

I don't see that happening.

I don't see that happening.

So did The Immigrant.

Sounds great. Glad Chazelle avoided the sophomore slump.

Most of her work can be described that way.

Well, yea. Entirely different aesthetic. However, Ledger's Joker (and TDK) as a whole transcends the "comic book movie" genre. Suicide Squad has no intentions in that direction.

Gotta disagree with pretty much every point made there. Ledger's is an iconic performance. IMO, it's the best version of the character.

And it will lose.

How was it haphazard? I'm having trouble sussing your comment.

Hope 6 was a letdown? Not to these ears.

Loved it on first viewing, but the second viewing made me realize I had underrated it. The Criterion edition is really worth the purchase.

The whole point of Barton Fink is "don't be like Barton Fink."

There are many.

A bit disappointed they didn't talk about his work in The Constant Gardener. Nighy plays a truly evil character in that one.

Swank deserved both of those.

"E Bow the Letter" by R.E.M.

Take that, R.!

If I remember by Ebert correctly, this is also known as the "Priest-eye View." Like how he'd see you in confession or communion.

I think this new Stones record will be warmly received.