Jack Frink

That's what makes Dent'a transformation into a monster so heartbreaking. Though, pre-disaster, there are indications of the cracks in his psyche. Harvey isn't totally well from the beginning.

He's actually getting worthwhile roles again so I understand why he's not in this next one.

Yes, and a lot of the BJC story is invention for the purpose of the show. No one in Eagles went to work in a factory.

Big Star had some softer songs. It's clearly an amalgam.

Seems like a good place to bring this up. On Documentary Now, does anyone else think the Blue Jean Committee is largely modeled after Big Star?

And the Twin Peaks reboot.

I always felt the novelty arrangement and blaring, obnoxious vocals revealed that the sentiments expressed in the song are not attractive. The character narrating the song has never actually had a girl in his life.

That's the MSM for you.

Yes. The people accosted by Trump fans in this story are the villains. You're not obtuse at all.

The amount of white people rationalizing and refusing to acknowledge racism and bigotry here is sadly expected.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

George Martin, Glenn Frey, Phife Dawg.

You won't get to write your own history, or record that pride. You'll be seen as part of the problem. This is your epitaph.

Funny. The wife and I just started Jules and Jim last night.

You are a Trump supporter. Accept it.

Yeah, with the investigation catching Conway, the FDA would accept it and keep their anger at Hugo underneath. If Hugo had failed (which I expected), they would've crushed him.

That is at midnight.

I wonder how the FDA would feel about that.

No! Dig up!

This is probably my favorite episode featuring Hugo.