Jack Frink

Gene was right-on quite often. He loved Fargo and Hoop Dreams, for one. And was a big Bkue Velvet fan when Ebert famously hated it. For what it is worth, Ebert shut down Siskel's ridiculous Taxi Driver argument with "sounds like you are reviewing a movie you wish you saw rather than the one onscreen."

Siskel also liked the De Niro - Foster relationship in Taxi Driver but thought the violence ruined the picture.

The final hour is some of the best action filmmaking ever. Spielberg considers it one of his least-favorite movies, however.

Apparently he didn't speak English at the time, either.

The real problem with The Matrix is the exposition that takes up the first half of the film.

Sad up vote.

Non-monsters, please.

Remember him always in Nixon.

Selfishness is a right-wing virtue.

The best is how Kramer really commits to the bizarre tag line.

Well, that costume looks effectively frightening.

Yea, in terms of "bad stuff people in the music industry have done," Hynde is much preferable to Phil Spector or Chris Brown.

Really the most memorable thing about it is that a lot of really talented people somehow made a truly execrable product.

Quite probably his worst movie!

One of the best working filmmakers.

More attention for the band than solo artist, probably.

Hate to say it, but it is hard to not think of that whenever anything involving Hynde or her band pops up.

Can't wait to take the starch out of that stuffed shirt.

Hey guys, you know what I watched? "Heat."

Apparently very difficult to work with. That holds him back more than anything.