Jack Frink

Framing violence against women and women's terror as titillating is one of the reasons I have no interest in GoT. However, I don't talk about it much around here because most of the AV Club loves that show/book series.

Was the attention over "more pressing issues." It was a gross advertisement and was treated as such.

The priest relationship is a lot different in Million Dollar Baby than in Gran Torino.

This exactly. Why Libertarians are useless.

And even after finding and corralling The Joker, it didn't do much good because Two-Face's rampage effectively sealed Batman's moral and philosophical defeat.

And the surveillance was presented as an amoral act underlining how far over the edge Batman had been gone. Also: it didn't lead to him actually beating The Joker in the long run.

Wayne seemed pretty guilt ridden in TDKR.

I still say you have to bring that lense to the films to see them that way. Let's remember that Batman doesn't actually "win" against The Joker in TDK, so it's debateable whether his tactics were for the best.

Feel like I could've guessed that sight unseen. Clint's movies about violent men always come around to the idea that you don't want to be like Will Munny or Jimmy Markum. I would assume the same of Chris Kyle.

Many of his films are great and overlooked. Hereafter and Invictus really deserve a bigger audience, to say nothing of The Bridges of Madison County (one of his best performances in that, too).

His run in the 2000's was pretty damn good.

I've never heard that Spielberg is difficult.

That's a bingo.

Yea it was.

Just stop at "marketed poorly." The movie itself was pretty good.

And much, much superior in every way.

It actually made the type of money one would expect, Sony just spent so much money on marketing it had to do Suicide Squad numbers in order to be considered a success.

"Fell for the old, man-eating toaster trick!"

Ghostbusters 2 is underrated. I like a lot of the sequences.

I thought the final fight sequence was really cool.