
Look, I'm not going to argue with you about whether or not you like Destiny, because everyone has their own opinion but lets not complain down the road that all we are getting are remakes and sequels because well...this is Dragon Age 3...and I'll support new (even broken) IP over the same damn thing I got 5, and 8

Like the comic, it will be everyone. From Ant-Man and the street level Defenders to Black Bolt, Thor, and Hulk. I am so excited

I sold my copy to my friend for $50. Game stop was offering $40 in credit and was selling for $65 (after tax) so i think everyone won in THAT exchange.

yeah and if so, does that make her dad Maximus the Mad?? (please yes. PLLEEEEEESE yes, that would be so awesome)

Excuse me, I should have said "comparatively"

There are no more mics, they have all been dropped.

This video had more story than the game did.

I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of

Buzzfeed is categorized as a "news source?" I would have called it entertainment. It's one step removed from "College Humor" as a website.

Surely as a man of science Tony should know that magnetism can affect and control electrical current and his suit would still be messed up by Magneto.

If only he had the Trace-Buster-Buster-Buster!

No God Killer Armor?

And it had Stephen Lang. Anything is improved with a hefty dose of Stephen Lang.

Well, if the numbers hold, they're going to get back $3 for every $1 they spent. That's a pretty great investment.

At this point, I'm sure they have accountants calculating how many dump trucks full of $100 bills they'd have to send to Christopher Tolkien and Peter Jackson's houses to convince them to let New Line do

so it costs about a billion dollars to stretch one children's book into three blockbuster movies? i guess if you're gonna milk something, you fucking milk the shit out of it.

Shit, now I gotta go find a tape player...