
Animatrix: Second Renaissance

Good times.

Luckily, Mondo isn't selling or even taking Pre-orders for their new figures yet.

Exactly. I'm a total Trek geek and yet I have ZERO interest in this book.

White people...

Awww c'mon! I'm not made of money danmit!

Deep. Space. Nine.

I can never tell what shows or specials his joke clips are from because he always just wears a black t-shirt.

That used to be the case but recently the found all the special effects files on computers and they've been doing SFX HD tests and they look beautiful. Also, if they make enough money with the TOS, TNG, and ENT blu rays it'll happen.


Just wait a year or so and they'll start releasing them in HD on bluray. I CANNOT wait.

Bought it when it came out. STILL haven't bought a game for it yet. Not one. It just sits up there as an annoying media player.


rip Community...

Yeah I've only damaged two of those in my years moving things. The whole 'That giant five foot long scratch down the side of the truck was already there" defense never works.

I really dug that show too. Fox sucks so hard