
Fuck’s it matter? It’s a hoax any way you look at it. Bigfoot doesn’t exist. Case fucking closed. Gimlin’s either a fraud or an idiot. Fucking REAL important which one it is, right? Let’s split those fucking hairs. That’s where the logic should be applied, right? Not, you know, the fact the whole fucking premise

Documentation like proof of Bigfoot, you world-class ignormaous?

You’re right. We should put a gun to her head and force her to leave.

Name the specific tribe and religion they offended

It’s offensive to white people. Consider not being so cavalier about this subject.

I love Eskimos

You like what? The labels you’ve created for racial minorities?

“Being a liberal is so confusing!”

It’s important that women behave

Name the specific tribe and religion they offended.

Your emotional instability has reaffirmed my suspicions about women.

Have feminists convinced women they don’t need peppers spay anymore?

Must have been an accident that he wasn’t shot. Cops feeling generous?

Peter Steele needs to cheer the fuck up.

Awesome. Explains a lot.

Fucking white people. Kill them all!

It’s a good thing Indians never did anything awful like massacre innocent women and children.

I’m a wizard. I cast spells. Belief spells. Here’s a story I want you to believe. I was fired decades prior because I am a wizard. You will believe this despite the lack of evidence and the lack of legal action I took to remedy such injustice. You will believe me because I told you to.

I did. I told the army chaplain I belong to a religion whose believers are never wrong. To suggest a member of my religion are wrong in their opinions is persecution of our beliefs.

I did a double take. I though the headline said “whore”