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    I really hate slide shows so I didn’t read it.

    Thanks all, for these comments.  I suspected it would be a waste of time and didn’t waste mine.

    If you have to tell me it’s funny and I should laugh, then maybe it isn’t funny.

    But going full electric isn’t about less trips to the pump - it’s about 0 trips to the pump, and no oil changes.

    I love the formula that says good performance = big bonuses for CEO.  Poor performance = lay off the loser workforce.

    It’d be a smart move for places like Delta Sonic that are both gas stations and full service car washes. They’re already setup with waiting rooms with plenty of food options and tables to wait at.

    That sure looks like a lot until you zoom in.  Check out western NY as an example.

    One other thing to consider though, is even lease cars have value to the owner. I wanted to get rid of my daughter’s lease a few month’s early since she is moving out of state with her sister who already has a car they can share. My dealer is so eager for inventory that they bought out the remaining 4 months on her

    Reminds me of a story a vlogger was recently recounting.  He was at an event and he and all of his fellow vloggers were taking pictures and getting closer to the thing they were there for and eventually one of them said, “Hey, we all have pretty high-end equipment.  Why do we keep trying to get closer when we have

    Yup Biden raised the world’s gas prices.  You’re a special kind of idiot.

    Generally, for stuff like that, I bet they have the whole route drawn out for them to prevent that from happening. That said, stuff happens. Many years ago I was working for a manufacturer that needed to ship our over-sized custom product by rail and they had to map out the whole route from east coast to west.

    U-Haul boxes are crap.

    So, according to the click bait title, you may have paid hundreds of dollars for a special travel credit card but not know it includes travel perks. Got it.

    I keep wondering why this show gets so much attention like it was a cultural phenomenon or something.  It was an okay show and it had its run.

    I’d rather settle for something that finally changes the minds of some of his sheeple.

    Or maybe put safeguards in place to prevent this. Our work computers will not allow flash drives to connect to them. It’s not a hard thing to do.  You need to go through extra hoops to get access and only if you use encrypted drives.

    Yeah, I was going to say, an Airbnb comparable would be more like a suite or extended stay hotel.  If you’re looking more for things like kitchens, separate bed rooms, and more, and Airbnb is going to be more worth looking at than if you just need a bed or two for a little bit.

    My first thought though was, to what degree, they can rule out correlation vs. causation? Maybe there is something about the population of people that seek out the flu vaccine that makes them more likely to do other things such as additional preventive care, other vaccines and medicines, different diets, that in turn

    You’re being very kind. I know plenty of Americans that go to Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun and others just to party, not to mention any port that resort ships pull up where there’s a Senor Frogs. I’m guessing these aren’t people that are always at their best.

    You remind me of a time was at a work function in the Netherlands, near the German border. A co-worker said, they’d much rather hear you speaking English than someone speaking German.