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    I had a boss who said this of some people in Rome but said the country-side was completely different for them.

    It’s a combination of factors. The kids are just coming “of age”, there are great package deals Disney uses to entice them, they have an active tour business there, etc. I believe there are a fair amount of Argentinian kids that also come but the Brazilian tour groups use their flag as a marker to gather the kids so

    This gets mentioned so often but is it really about being Brazilian or would this apply to any tour group with a bunch of excited teens that are minimally chaperoned? They personally don’t bother me much at all and I’ll take wide-eyed, excited kids having a nice time together over the American families marching their

    Are any of those things actually about being overseas or just in general?

    A series of questions about current and very near term capabilities is far from asking about full autonomy.  I’m all for getting us there iteratively since there’s clearly a lot of learning still happening but I look forward to a day where the roads are full of full autonomous vehicles and that our road systems can

    Thank you for this.  Nothing more annoying than 2 or 3 people walking side by side down the middle of the aisle.  My horn will join your conversation.

    Agreed. If spots are at a premium, the polite thing is to vacate it as soon as possible and let others use it.  If there are a bunch of other open spots then feel free to take your time.

    For every person that loves that, I’m sure there are situations where they don’t. Like here in the Northeast in the winter. This is a slippery slope that lets people off the hook for their shitty behavior.

    Cart return or to the store itself, or if I’m walking in, I’ll offer to take your empty cart to use. No other acceptable place to leave it. That’s some entitled behavior I just hate.

    Yeah, park in the center of the lines as much as you possibly can.  The part I hate is when you’re forced to park over due to another dickhead, then they leave, and you look like the asshole.

    If there are literally signs telling you what to do, that isn’t an unwritten rule.

    Amazing how every person on earth, except cops, actually have consequences for the way they behave.  But not them, they need to be coddled and protected.

    I liked my Civic and I’ll soon be trading in my CRV, likely for another CRV. I’m “this close” to going electric but holding out hope that Honda joins the party before I do.

    Did she ever say she changed her mind and used to think otherwise?  She could have made a lot of different arguments but she didn’t so don’t make up scenarios that don’t exist.

    It was clear to me.  The company made the offer.  Why would they reject their own offer?

    Unfortunately, that’s when you’d find out how big and powerful that corporation is, too and would end up with less than when you started.

    Yeah, this seems like something that should be obvious but wasn’t.

    Headlights: personally I think always on is superior to trusting people to pick and choose when they should and shouldn’t be. Too many people in the early morning, light fog or mist don’t turn them on as well as those exiting well lit areas such as parking lots onto a dark road.

    The problem with this is that zipper merging is what’s best for overall flow of all traffic.  It isn’t what’s best for any one (selfish) individual.  When people care about overall safety and flow, it’s the right thing to do.  Unfortunately, not everyone does.

    Not sure where you are but I don’t know of any apartments in my area that allow grills of any sort on the deck.