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    You can get some more detailed reviews of various styles from amazingribs and smoking-meat sites.  They include things like pellets and kamados.

    Weber has such a good seal that on a typical cook, I close up the vents when done and starve out the burn and can re-use some of the charcoal on the next cook.

    I had the same reaction.  I’m not being flip about it but genuinely curious, what more should we be expecting/wanting from it.  I want stability and good performance and have been happy so far.

    Personally I don’t sort or group my apps anymore.  I put the very most used apps on front page.  Everything else, I pull down, type a letter or two, and it shows the app I want.

    I just assumed the whole team-building and hanging out outside of work was a young-person thing. It was more prevalent in my 20s and early 30s and now we’re much more like the environment you described above. I’m just not sure if that changed because of a different employer and environment vs. being older.  I still

    Yeah, because he’d be the first idiot in Congress, right?  Whatever horrible thing you’re dreading is already reality.

    Is that Oliver from the Brady Bunch?

    Both grandfathers were Oldmobile guys.

    Niagara Falls. As a tourist yes, Canadian side is far superior. The cheesy stuff area is mostly on and around Clifton Hill and it’s worth walking through but not much there is worth your time. I will say, as somebody that grew up on the river, the US side is nice for a picnic. You can literally sit on Goat Island,

    Not a bad analogy. First in doesn’t guarantee longevity. That said, all of the streamers could stand to build a better app/interface. They all suck and make it harder to curate your own content than they should.

    And if we’re going to do this, can we post all of the stupid, nasty shit he posts? His whole thing today about Twitter and owning the libs after he tries to sell free speech is good for all.  What a hypocritical piece of garbage.

    Sorry, no on multiple counts.

    But 9/11 was the right over-extending their reach and enacting more police controls.  I see the mass shooter thing only accomplishing the same - more funds, armor and guns to law enforcement - no meaningful change for the people and guns.

    First off, I never have seen most of these supposed common food myths, so that’s something.

    Stated as a “backup plant”, no, that’s stupid. But saying you should have a reliable supply chain and ensure stable production are perfectly reasonable expectations for any company that wants to make money.  And everyone that distributes formula (e.g. grocery stores) should also be ensuring continuity of their supply

    I think the lesson fanboys take away is that a lot of billionaires are assholes so maybe I should be an asshole and then I’ll also become a billionaire.

    Good to know, thanks.  One thing I have not been called is really tall so I should be good.

    Who got paid for that difficult research?

    Keep in mind when people ask you this shit, they’re also showing you their hand.  If he could send hurricane’s at other countries you know he wouldn’t hesitate.

    And to quote George Carlin, “The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are! We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake.