
Written by Shu Takumi and I KNOW this one will be good

Animalese! Choose between that or Bebebese!

I agree, something felt - off - about this review. I do believe that Stephen enjoyed the game and would recommend it, but I think he was tiptoeing around it's flaws.

But the bits of fanservice is why Stephen is recommending it. It's not like he's saying it's not a Warriors game, he's recommending it because he enjoyed his time with it.

Someone's jimmies are rustled

Those two statements are not really related.

don't you mean New not "new"? God this is horrible

I think Nintendo will screw us over by

That's a Xenoblade Chronicles reference smh.

The update will cost 0.99$

I love Fuuka! So underrated

It is Smash Bros.

Idk, gamers might be worse, or as equal.

I think if there are any kind of glitches, bugs, version 2.0's etc. It will never be accepted as "sport". Video games are video games, and I'm fine with that.

Sorry, should have put more clever. This is definitely a clever workaround if there are whatever restrictions

Yessir, I'll buy a ton of custom ones.

This would have been clever if Microsoft didn't have any timed-exclusives...

I feel like he's lacking the aggression, the oomph in his Objection!

Get Persona 5 and KH3 on the Wii U, and I don't need a PS4.