Dollar, Dollar Bill

This looks like a rejected 00s-era Dodge concept (from the front).

I usually find myself in favor of series over film for IP that I’m interested in but this was one case where I agreed with what seemed to be the consensus that it definitely would’ve been better as a film.

I thought the same thing on both fronts. Can’t argue with what they could fit in or not but it did seem like Greg would’ve immediately thought to call his mother or Ewan and they didn’t talk about calling Caroline even when Shiv is reliving thinking it was her mother initially. I assume we’re going to pick right back

The kids are still into the GoJo deal, suggesting that everything that happened last week really was just about getting some blood out of their dad.

It’s shocking to me how many people in corporate marketing, and especially in social media marketing, don’t understand basic IP law. I’ve worked in a few marketing departments in large companies and there was basically no relevant training on IP and commercial speech and whenever I would try to get some, Legal is

I hope neither Zelda nor Metroid get a film because I want both as series produced by proper studios. I know Zelda was in various stages of almost coming to life before. There are many ways that it could work and probably as multiples series—from Ghibli animation like to LOTR like live action adventure. I’d really

It’s not clear from the edited news clips of the footage if they ever tried to wake him up by tapping on the glass but it doesn’t seem like it as they are clearly trying to sneak into the car behind him, which makes no sense (even according to the cops warning ahead of time).


The one from a few years ago or the new docuseries?

I still say “Set it and forget it” fairly often.

I’m drooling. This is on the list of random shit I wanted when I was young that I’d buy if I hit the lottery. I love it.

So there’s yet another new Waco product. Just what this country needs right now. Even putting it back in the zeitgeist isn’t productive since it’s inevitable how these function as hagiographies to a lot of viewers. Those who are old enough to remember when this occurred will know the effect it had (the events, the

I thought Bomani had the best take—Reese was basically trash-talking Clark for something she did in another game(s). It wasn’t a clapback, it was a clap. It wasn’t just a simple in-the-moment expression, it seemed to clearly be the product of some underlying sentiment (which I can guess about and understand).That

The idea short-term rental electric non-cars available as alternatives to car traffic and emissions is good one but the execution has been horrible everywhere that I am aware of. It’s a great example of unfettered capitalism. Nearly all concerns about public and rider safety and waste/pollution took a back seat to a la

Yes, it is. Both about the plot and about the episode. It’s sloppy. I don’t know why Jez is even covering this.

This recap headline contains spoilers for the second episode of Yellowjackets Season 2.

Yeah, that’s why it was a throw-away plot point for fun. Of course she will find a suitable attorney without much ado. They have to get in moments of amusing pettiness to remind us how awful they all are.

I thought the divorce attorney conflicts may have been a nod to The Sopranos, but that last scene was straight out of GoT. It even sounded Djawadi-esque (might as well have been “The Rains of Pierce” playing over the credits).

Yeah, I grew up in central NY and Ohio might as well have been Iowa from my perspective.

I completely forgot about that show. I guess I have to check out S2.