Dollar, Dollar Bill

But those are sunk/fixed costs. If anything, the variable components go up when people go in to the office due to increased operational costs. I don’t know the exact mix but I’d guess they lease more corporate office space than they own and this will probably cause them to take on more space as they keep growing

That’s a comical oversimplification. There has been no data shared around how being in-person will result in more or better generation of these “ideas.” And the first few years of complete WFH when the stock hit all-time highs was in spite of having ideas? I am very familiar with their business. Their problem is

It’s also to allow wiggle room for certain people who they don’t want to quit for competitors. There are plenty of employees at a company this large who never worked in an office pre-pandemic because the didn’t have to for various reasons related to role, team, or individual.

Their first demand should be for him to share the data used to arrive at the decision, including self-reporting through internal surveys and data from recruiting about how this will affect prospective employees base on what happened last time they almost implemented this policy before backtracking. If it’s based on

The b-schools and consultancies perpetuate what their prior graduates who are anointed and rewarded by the Street want, which is short-term returns. I mean, Welch engineered and operationalized financial fraud and yet many of his “innovations” are still somehow revered.

I think that’s theoretically true but I can confidently say that the type of work my team does can be measured pretty well (number of X delivered during Y period, amount of changes managed, stretch goals, etc.) and it is the case that more time input = more output. My ostensibly very sophisticated company can say they

Though execs and CEOs across sectors seem to believe that employees are less productive working from home than they are in the office. The actual data doesn’t support those claims. In fact, a 2020 Harvard study found that workers clocked more hours from home than the office. And those who aren’t forced to commute

Instead, Meta said in an email to Gizmodo that it is meant to “incentivize long-term thinking and high-quality work while helping employees get actionable feedback.”

Disney made back their investment by 2018, before TROS, Disney+, Galaxy’s Edge, and all of the ongoing licensing revenue. It was nearly immediately clear that the deal would be a steal for them.

It’s comical that NBC considers The Today Show news to the extent that they apply this policy, presumably in the name of journalistic ethics. I can see not allowing someone to read a story about a company they are financially involved with or promote their own products on air but beyond that, I don’t see the point.

33, 38

I agree and that’s what they have always done. Standard accounts currently allow for 2, Premium for 4. I struggle with how rampant abuse could really be with these limitations.

Not when you pay for plans that allow access on X number of devices or Y number of concurrent streams. Standard plans have allowed you to stream to any 2 at the same time. The language about where those need to be is new. It’s very different than those analogies.

100% They are not a social network. I get that it’s viewed as an indicator of potential future revenue but they are old enough and big enough that it’s really just revenue that matters—especially as we’ve seen them outspend their anticipated subscriber growth targets at the expense of earnings.

This might be slightly notable (not really) if the job for which he is being lauded for delaying starting actually started before August! It also draws more attention to how self-centered he is and what a comically bad decision he made by going back this season. I don’t know or care what his marital relationship was

There are plenty of things Jackson might be better off keeping his mouth shut about—especially his habit of staying he was better than nearly every player in the league when he sure as hell wasn’t—but more than one thing can be true here. Maybe Jackson didn’t state it very eloquently but he’s not wrong. Let’s not act

I have no problem believing that he was tired/drunk/high/coming down and/or acting like an entitled jerk but the “he needs to be removed now because we don’t know if he’ll retaliate in the air for us calling you on him” is utter bullshit and they should be reprimanded. That’s some being arrested with a charge of only r

Since this is “memorable lightsaber battles” (vs. best duels per se), I’ll add Ashoka vs. everybody in her intro in The Mandolorian. It’s up there with Vader in Rogue One for me in terms of pure style and kickassery (and better than the Rey and Kylo tag team in both respects).

I actually like ATJ (well, I like looking at ATJ) but this is a stretch. I’m not a huge Bond fan and all of my favorites seem to have aged out but they’d be crazy to take ATJ over Cavill if that were a real option—they don’t look that far apart in age when similarly groomed. ATJ is pretty far down the list of