
I didn’t believe you until you signed the letter Hakuna Matata and sent a fax with an image of your bus pass

“wasn’t in the spirit of the buyback.”

Since the contract defines ‘operable’ legally he should be entirely in the clear.

That’s hilarious. Driver deserved it.

I feel like that’s the proper response. Cut off and given the finger but still returns the wallet. The phone tossed on the ground seems rather justified. Better than throwing gravel

If the learned to drive on the right side of the road, they wouldn’t have all these problems.

I’m sure that’ll do them a lot of good

Automakers: “We have better technology! Let’s make lightweight, safe, efficient fun to drive cars!”

It’s the Kelly Blew Book price!


Nah, we’d just see everyone from Pierce County move up here.

Soooo...Mt St. Helens seems like it should be hot but is actually cold inside?

2 nukes weren’t enough.

Yes, yes it is.

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

That’s circular logic at its best. Banks don’t give out free money because people who need it will hold them up if they don’t. It doesn’t matter why they’re being violent criminals. They’re attempting armed hijackings and assaults to get into a place that wants to keep them out. That validates every single one of them

This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.

That thing is Hid.e.ous. And not in a good way.

So even the planes don’t want to go to Florida?