
“I rebel...”

hella stanced?

This looks really close, one thing I noticed looking at the BPD photos is that the fluting changes direction from being perpendicular to the lens face to being at a 45 degree angle from the lens face. That seems like a distinctive feature but one that is hard to see in Google Image searches

I hope PD and op see this

I think this is it.

Thats it! It even has the small little nub at the bottom in the center.

This looks very close IMO. Someone needs to grab some of these photos and do some photoshop work with a 2011-2013 Corolla headlight and see if they can line them up. Like I said this is the closest looking one in my opinion.

2011-2013 Corolla head lights look at the bottom half.... saw one while at lunch

I think that you’re looking for a Lexus RX SUV:

I had to post that. It’s a law.

This post is over. We’re done here.


Where are you now? Really, where are you? How is your covereage more accurate than anything I can find? You did link to a video that came from a terrorist attack in 2011. So how was that accurate in anything? And now you choose to send me back to the grey because I mentioned your mistake??? Really???

I feel like an idiot, but where’s the coupon?

I feel like an idiot, but where’s the coupon?

SOE would have LOVED to have cloned WoW. Smedley honestly didn’t understand why EQ1 was successful and it shows in everything that he’s done since.

I remember the E3 when Blizzard first previewed WoW — Smedley stood in the Blizzard booth (he’s a giant, and stands out) and just SCOWLED at the packed booth for almost an

Star Wars Galaxies says hello.

SoE did try to make a WoW clone - Look at SWG. . .It was a completely different game before WoW hit the markets and once WoW hit and became uber successful the entire game was completely shifted to match the WoW model. . .It just failed. . .because the people who wanted to play SWG wanted the sandbox Star Wars

Chris Evans seems like a real piece of work. Matt LeBlanc may not be the most interesting person in the world, but he seems a lot more likeable than Evans.

Counterpoint: Have you seen both Hawk’s in the same room at the sametime?