
Kinja is just not a very good system. For one thing, you don’t know which one of your many comments in this thread I’m replying to. We can’t sort comments, sites like The Guardian lets you sort comments by Oldest, Newest, Recommendations. The only way to make anyone see your comment if you’re grey is to reply to the

There are some commenters, here, for whom Jezebel is their main community of support. Many have physical — or other — issues that prevent socialising in the traditional manner. Jezebel is a lifeline for these posters.

No thank you. This seems to be a conversation that’s happening fairly regularly lately. I’m not sure if it is the intent to form a caste system or hierarchy but it certainly feels that way to some of us grays. I actually haven’t been commenting as often the last couple weeks. I’ve got some life stuff going on &

I would repost this on Earther, Lifehacker (*especially* Lifehacker...!), OppositeLock, and theRoot.

The most frustrating thing about the greys is when you see a troll’s comments or a white man’s comments ungreyed with dozens of replies. This is supposed to be a space for women (and allies), but it just doesn’t feel like there’s any space here for me.

Jinni, and I say this in all sincerity, your thoughtfulness and wisdom gives me so much joy and hope.

When she says “I’m going to hug you” she follows it with a comment about how the column hasn’t always been nice, but I swear she wanted to say “even though you don’t want to” and then realized that was sexual harassment and stopped herself.

From left to right:

I really hope she’s read some of the comments on these columns. I like to think her crew were reading them and genuinely enjoyed them.

At least he’s white!

And the funniest thing is my hair is totally white people hair: it’s fine, there’s a medium volume to it, but it’s mostly straight with some waves that come in if I let it go past my shoulders. So there’s absolutely nothing unique about it. And yet, they want to pet me like I’m a golden retriever or something. What’s

Honorable mention:

It would be hard on your real-life significant other to hear/read interviews though. Probably tough enough to support your spouse’s career by cheering for them week after week as they pretend to be ‘married’ to someone else, but to have them confirm that even a part of that romance is real? That would suck.

“They’re” - because all white people are like this, right? You are ignorant.

You make a valid point.

The students should be reprimanded for the racism displayed here. However legal action would most likely be a losing battle. A lawyer could most likely argue that this video is satirical in nature, which would make it hard to win a case against them.

Much like you, I was also taught respect for other people growing up, so this kind of thing mystifies me. It’s rude and gross and intrusive and dehumanizing and I don’t understand why any person would feel comfortable asking that question, let alone actually touching someone else’s hair.

Remember when someone with dignity, grace, style, and genuine affection for the next generation occupied the office?

“They have never been able to recognize racism in real time.”