
I don’t think it’s really fair to dismiss anyone’s feelings of being discriminated regardless of race, but I have no real comment on these figures. I’m sure there’s plenty of exaggerated fears, but I’m also not comfortable saying all those people’s feelings don’t count because it’s a different narrative.  However,

I like how the writer of the threatening note claims that these white women are trying to “rebel” against Trump by employing a black woman. Trump’s feelings will apparently be bruised if he discovers a black woman is walking freely around Ukie Village.

What’s wrong with making fun of idiots like the Kardashians?

Now playing

I see a lot on here about people are perplexed at how successful Pink still is. Australia fricken loves her, we consider her one of us and this is why...

Surprise? Racist much? You see you are part of the problem, you are one of the pieces of shit that publish bullcrap in today’s society. You see this happens both ways. I live in Florida four black kids raped a white girl. They were in high school and she was in middle school. Would you publish that? They called her

Now playing

Desperate Cheeto, you say? Any excuse to share Randy Rainbow.

White people are tired of it. And white people are also tired of being lumped together as ALL white people too.

All I can say right now, as a parent of kiddos of the same age, is please let some higher power allow the family of Ms. Jenkins to find some comfort in this dark, dark hour.

Happy Halloween, Meteor!

+1 for setting up a very good joke ;)

Yeah, Lotta just walked right into that one:)

Yeah. It’s called Eternity.

My takeaway from this ad is “Wow, they’re still making Eternity?”

I work at a call center with a colorful group of dudes sitting in my vicinity (white, black, and some latino). When they get an Indian, African, Middle Eastern, or Asian name.. the ones that are hard for Americans to pronounce.. well..

Almost as good as a white man!


She shouldn’t have to answer for something that happened before they were married

God, I can’t imagine how much that sucks, having to end a 5-year relationship like that. But if I’ve learned anything about anything, it’s that every single person who claimed they were “just joking, lighten up” about their bigotry were ABSOLUTELY NEVER KIDDING about their bigotry. At least you got out in time and can

This image seems to make me laugh (guiltily) with no end

Big difference was Bush never came across as a huge jerk in any capacity.