that some how makes it less gay?
that some how makes it less gay?
I see your video and I raise.
right... he just liked to roll around on the floor with another man while wearing a speedo.
so.... i'm to assume there are wrestlers that aren't gay?
no it's really really bad
smart move
yeah that was painful to watch.
well its pretty much guarenteed that the Post ROTJ EU is gone. The question is about the rest of it.
this would actually be a shitty game. I mean you don't do anything. You just follow the movie by saying a few quotes from it that mean nothing in the context.
well What happend was the producer of Once Upon a Time actually bought the rights to make a live action version of Fables. But he decided to make his own "Original" show instead.
the whole compendium was a great idea. Not only the cool things you get with it but just being able to choose who you think will win was really cool.
have to agree it was amazing.
what would they have? They haven't started filming. hell they probably haven't even finalized casting yet.
those people shop on the internet now
real dolls already prove #7 wrong. If anything I bet we would get more celebrity themed sex robots
if its the first draft then there is no luke. Also Vader was more of Grand Moff Tarkin. He was just a general.
i've read the first draft.... its really really really bad
not true. I teach High School and you can always smell it on the kids even if they don't smoke that day. Its not just the dirty kids. Its the rich girls and boys that smell the worst. I swear its like they wear weed perfume.
that is the thing I hate most about the weed culture. No one gives a shit about how much you love weed.
well mostly harmless. I mean weed did give us Phish and other shitty bands.