
Pre, fight me. Can we stop with Zendaya, please. Her talent or look is not worth a fraction of what she’s getting and not so nice on set from sources.

Clearly there was a lot more trash on that boat than what was tossed.

I have a PS2 controller and some duct tape, now we can send a sub full of useless nouveau-riche idiots!

You think garlic never became “mainstream?” On this planet?

Only one.

Now playing

I realize it’s not the same, but all I can picture is the graffiti painting scene in Demolition Man.

I just mount a fire breathing robot dog to the top of my car. 

When I was learning to drive, I was taught to look at the line on the road, down and to the right (right side lane/shoulder line), when cars approach at night. I’ve always done that to move my eye-line away from approaching traffic.

I prefer to channel my inner Ralphie.

I think there is also some hard-to-quantify loss of ‘luxury-branding’ for Tesla. It was an obvious luxury brand when it came out with the initial couple cars, but (I think) this is no longer the case for multiple reasons, like stated by many others:

I’ll be at the Winchester.

I used to work in a different part of town and in the parking lot there were a couple of lamp posts that actually had 15 amp outlets built into the base. I have no idea why, but I thought it would be so nice to have an EV so I could just plug in and charge up while at work. 

This car sucks, it’s for mall enthusiasts, not car enthusiasts. I’m sick of the way LED’s look. They look cheap as hell. They’re better than old incandescents because they’re not burning out all the time, and you can do more with them thanks to durability, but just little dots of light don’t look as cool as

Can’t heap too much blame on them. They were right to trust that Walmart had done their due diligence.

Title is fire, gave me a good laugh I needed today!

Stormtrooper level of bad

they were probably white. 

How about 137 times, through the windshield? Cops claimed they heard shots, but it was a shitty muffler. One cop stood on the hood, emptied his clip into the driver, re-loaded and emptied another clip.....

I dont even know to what level this is even an appropriate response to. We’ve seen terrorist bombers handled more gently.

no you misunderstood I was the lead engineer, I was in charge of putting lead in the thing to ummm reduce vibrations !