
Do not vote yes. The streaming residuals are non existent. AI protections are much better. But the money from streaming is so garbage the bonus will never be paid out except for the top 1 show on each platform at any given time. And only for a little bit. It’s useless garbage.

I disagree, there are no lack of instances of this happening with two pedal driving nor any indication that it happens more often with one pedal mode.

Should’ve used diatomaceous earth as it’s the most effective killer of bed bugs and it’s non-toxic.

Bitch, I’m a bus.

I mean, ICE vehicles literally run by starting a fire inside them...

It looks like the Charger actually gets airborne just before the bus hits it. That makes the collision so much more dramatic.

Hot damn, one less. 

The complete lack of EV chargers at most stations. 

Sure, Floridians have carried the larval form in their cars for years.

It’s Florida, person driving is 100% a fisherman and is just bringing home their catch.  Now if this was in Oklahoma or Montana THAT would be odd AF.

Just imagine what it would have been if not for pesticides.

On an unrelated topic, the current world population is 8,072,582,813 as of Tuesday, November 14, 2023. 

Let’s go old-school: Ace Ventura era Jim Carrey talking out of his ass.

Mark Zuckerberg. 

I wonder if, and this is only if they can get a transplant like this to be fully functional, it could prove if we all see the same red, blue and green. Or if your blue is my red, and my red is your blue. (Not that drastic of course, but I wonder if we all see the world slightly differently) 

They really need to adjust the tax code so that in order to claim writeoffs on completed work, you have to release that work to the public domain.

I dig that Boxster -- its weird and different in a good way. 

I’ve always heard they are better  because they are frozen immediately after freezing. No need to pick them early and let them ripen in transit. You pick them when they are ripe and immediately freeze them (I assume the same for canned)

Any time you comment, your name alone increases smuttiness levels by 2-3 %. 

hey man I came on here for straight up car talk not this disgusting smut