
Gf almost stabbed twice by homeless in the LA. Multiple other stabbings out here since the pandemic in areas that previously had 0 homeless.

Problem in CA is landlords are allowed to raise rents according to the median rent. This is the same for purchasing. When a new luxury building opens in the middle of 1920s buildings at $4,500/mo for a 400sqft studio and 300 units, it raises the median rent and now those 1920s cockroach and bedbug infested units being

Besides the cords would be too long for 4 cars in a row. 2 max.

I’ve actually done that, it works :D

Actually some parking lots have 120v outlets on their light poles I think for cleaning crews. I’ve tested them out before and while they work, I only got 1kw once or $.25 worth because I was just shopping.

The charger has to handshake with the EV, if the EV isn’t charging there’s no power in the cord, if anything even upsets the plug enough it stops charging for safety reasons and the cord is no longer live. 

Lvl 2 stations max at 11kw but really I’ve seen 6-10 with most at 8. With 4 charging that’s only 32kw. Not too bad, but I imagine with 4 connected, not sure how other than VERY long wires, it’d slow to 6kw so realistically only 24kw max.

This. With EV’s they force you to get 4 tires unless they’re almost new then 2 is ok.

On large Tesla stations, even 6 cars deep would take a maximum of 5 minutes, with that many stations, usually someone is finishing every minute.

100% daily stress days and I think 1 or 2 days out of the last 10 years have I had enough sleep.

Just to clairify, a black hole is just a stellar mass that has reached a specific mass that has enough gravity to not allow light to escape, but may literally be not any different than a neutron star, just became a heavy enough neutron star that it’s own light stopped escaping?

Actually the way they do it now is cheap shit. LED’s need a diffuser. You can put a piece of frosted plastic for it to run through and it’ll look great. Remember the hard drive lights on our old computers, flashing on and off nice and evenly, led somewhere behind the plastic. Everyone cheaps now or doesn’t understand

Title was so good I skipped the article and came to comments to talk about the title.

There’s no suspension on the back 😳

I also wanted to tell you I’m giving you a star.

The car has manual door handles she chose to ignore for views. As a model 3 owner I can verify.

It’s fine, get out with your manual door handles. Fuck she’s stupid and only did it for views.


Or cop hidden from camera fires first shot  to make it seem like the guy fired first

Too bad not each other