Chaim Salomon

It’s a vexing scenario.

No shame. Next to the gross, bald-faced glee they take from acting despicably, the complete lack of shame Trump unlocked for even “respectable” members of the GOP has become their most damaging super power.

What’s up w/ BritBox vs Acorn? I like British mysteries.

Pike Place is awesome. Full stop. It absolutely sucks donkey balls that it’s as crowded as it is, and during peak hours the lines for some of the hallmark food items are flat out stupid — but if you’re able to luck into a visit on a light tourist day, it’s a lot of fun. I used to live down the street and my favorite

nepotism and its inherent unfairness, should be accepted”

Once  you strip all context around that one line, sure, I can see how one could get that impression. 

I have very clearly been articulating a scenario where I’m talking about a talented, invested actor leveraging professional connections and experience of their actor parents. Not spoiled children being handed jobs. Not sure how much clearer I can be on the subject before I have to just accept you’re not engaging in

I actually agree with you. My biggest issues with Bush were 1) he was deeply uncurious and 2) inability to empathize with anyone whose experience was different from his own. I will note that on #2 I don’t mean he lacked empathy. I think he, as you said, was well-meaning and wanted to help people. But I think he failed

Ah yes, the Gentleman’s C. I first learned the term when folks started digging into then-Governor George W. Bush ’s Ivy League past and tryin to square that with the fact that he was clearly, on some level, very deeply stupid.

I think the bigger deal w/ Downey was his reputation was next-to-dogshit at the time he was cast as Tony Stark. I know he gets a lot of credit for the success of the MCU but honestly I think he needed it more than they needed him. I’m sure there are other actors who could have taken on the mantle of Iron Man.

i ain’t never going back

This keeps happening to Latino foods, and I’m sure other cultures as well. Someone “discovers” or “innovates” a “new” take on food that has been part of a marginalized community for generations and profits.

Aren’t we saying the same thing then? If you believe you can give your child “unfair” life advantages in life while simultaneously advocating for a more just system, I don’t see how that’s any different than what I said.

The show ends with her character asking to be assassinated by a close family friend in her own timeline so she can continue her fight in the proxy “stub” android body she has in the future London timeline.

Counterpoint - international theme weeks are a brilliant idea that were terribly executed, and cutting them rather than learning how to do it right is the lazy coward’s route.

My point this entire time has been that lumping Gunn in with any of these ass clowns is fucking stupid. It’s so fucking stupid you yourself admitted “duh” there’s a difference in what they did, yet can’t seem to own that was the opposite of your initial premise.

How far does your radical level setting go? Are you going to send your kids to university? Pay for extracurriculars? Send them to school with a lunch? Not every kid gets those things. Are you going to deny your children those advantages in the interest of fairness?

Fascinating. So you’re saying if you had a talented child who put the work in and had the skills to follow in your career footsteps, you’d do nothing at all to help them? You wouldn’t help them find an agent or manager, wouldn’t introduce them to studio executives putting together projects, wouldn’t keep an eye out

they seem like a lot of fun!

This. Nepotism opens doors. Absolutely. Is it unfair? Sure. Life is unfair. News at 11.