Chaim Salomon

I too was always confused when articles framed the Avengers as ‘B-List’. Like, are you fucking kidding me? Like your average joe walking down the street had never heard of Captain America? Or Hulk? GTFO.

I actually did venture out to see V3 and it was a great, emotional ride. Back to back needle drops and probably the best MCU fight scene I can remember. But it genuinely felt like an ending for me, not just of the Guardians trilogy but a chapter in my pop culture life where I actually cared enough about the MCU to go

Agree on all counts. And rebooting in a couple years would have turned bringing something like X-Men or F4 into a real event.

Agree on all counts. And rebooting in a couple years would have turned bringing something like X-Men or F4 into a real event.

I feel like it was the opposite. I remember the theater stuff as major news when it really shouldn’t have been; I remember the child porn/vintage erotica stuff as a footnote when it was the thing that personally disturbed me far more because “child porn”. Obviously without actually seeing the stuff I have no idea if

I feel like it was the opposite. I remember the theater stuff as major news when it really shouldn’t have been; I remember the child porn/vintage erotica stuff as a footnote when it was the thing that personally disturbed me far more because “child porn”. Obviously without actually seeing the stuff I have no idea if

The whole MCU indeed feels like it’s in placeholder mode until either X-Men or F4 show up.

Whatever you say, Dunning Kruger

I think the thing that might possibly pull me back in would be X-Men? But even there it’s like — I saw the Fox movies already. We already have an X-Men narrative. Do I need to see it again? Logan is a perfect end to that universe. No one will top Patrick Stewart as Professor X, at least not in my mind. First

How involved do you think Pelosi and Schumer were in the details of a state house race? 

I don’t care anymore.

In the wake of the Friends reunion, I decided to do a re-watch of the show. It was a critical part of the pop-culture landscape when I was in high school and, growing up in suburban New Jersey where the definition of “making it” meant moving to or at least working in Manhattan, a tome for how I saw the world and

Fascinating. My own meal times have shifted along with different chapters in my life. For most of my adult life I rarely ate before 7PM, typically I’d eat closer to 8PM. Coincidentally, I lived in DC during this time period. Once I became a parent -- after leaving DC -- that shifted radically since my kid eats around

The solution will be vaccines for no one. It’s not enough that they won’t take them, they know the rest of us want them so they will pivot from “my body my choice” to “no one can have them because reasons.” 

Given how not freaked out his staff and colleagues were, wouldn’t be surprised if this is not a first/one-off occurrence — just the first one captured on camera.

oh man some fucking nerd is going to be angry about this

Once you reach a certain level of wealth, you become inoculated to failure or consequences of any sort. You can file for bankruptcy more than a half dozen times and then run for president - and win! - on the platform of being a “business genius.” You can run a $44 billion company into the ground in a matter of months

Goddamn the 90s were a great time to grow up.

A neighbor who had nothing positive to say about Heuermann told the Post that police told him at the scene that they were concentrating their recovery efforts on his basement. “This guy is a wacko”

What the fuck is this article? How about “best cosmetics to apply while driving” next.