
I feel that a lot of KZ fans are still on the PS3. A lot of people play KZSF like it's CoD and well they just love camping especially around the original spawn grounds. making the rest of the map useless.

It's definitely different from previous installments. It's more along the lines of the BF4. They got rid of the level based system and is now based off uhhh missions? tasks? to unlock other weapons and such. So there is no point class system. Get 50 kills with said weapon and other things to unlock another weapon or

whoops my bad. I meant the 32GB. Which Im sure still has a decent price on eBay.

Uncharted Golden Abyss, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Killzone Mercenary, Batman Arkam Origins Blackgate, GUACAMELEE, I can go on and on. If you have a PS+ account the goodies just roll in with various titles always discounted especially with free PS1 games youll be def kept busy. Pick up a 32 GB memory card while you're

They have...somewhat. The 16 gb was on sale for $45 a few weeks back. So upset i missed out ;c

There was a white vita bundle that released with the Assassins Creed game last year. Probably trying to see if they can sell stand alone units of different colorways.

Borderlands 2 is $9.99 at Best Buy online. PSN cards are also on sale but not by a large margin. A few bucks might suffice for a few people.

IDK MAN, IT IS GIZMODO. WHY NOT AN IPAD OR A LAPTOP? ALSO how about that really creepy woody action figure?? I'm sure someone in your office has it!!

I don't comment as much as I use to. But after reading a few comments I can't help but state the obvious. ARE WE SERIOUSLY GOING TO START JUDGING AND RATING GAMES BASED ON THEIR PRICE POINT? This is their 6th R&C game this gen. I think the cost of development for a R&C game might not be as high as it was a few years

What HTC needs to do is go back to its roots. Get rid of fucking Sense. Stop trying to be different. It's making them look about the same. Get the fuck out of here with Ultrapixel. Get the fuck out of here with Blinkfeed. Build a quality phone, add a 3000mAh battery, and use STOCK android. It'll be so much quicker to

IM REALLY TEMPTED TO GET THAT MACBOOK >_< Is the RAM upgrade-able at all with the latest models? I hear they're quit the hassle to upgrade.

oh just looked it up. Its from a movie called "God Bless America"

PC gaming isn't a demanding market. there's an audience sure, but I just dont feel its as strong as console gaming. But I have noticed that even collectors editions for games on PS3 and 360 getting MAJOR discounts weeks after their release. I remember seeing the God of War 3 collectors edition for about half off 2

It's a way for a company to differentiate their product. It sucks but manufacturers are hard headed. From a business stand point, if it delays an update it's better for the company. If the phone is behind an update or 2, the consumer is most likely to upgrade their phone and contract. They probably wont notice the

I wouldn't say the Wii U has weak graphics, but for it release an HD console that became the norm 5 years ago is what upsets me. Re-releasing titles I already own doesnt make it an incentive for me to buy the Wii U either. Sure it mixes things up by getting rid of a weapon/start menu with it's tablet controller. But I

Assassins Creed for the Vita isn't a pre-order. the game is already out.

Looking for recommendations for a nice fairly priced point and shoot. anyone?

I still think Sony has a chance to turn it around. I know for sure its gonna be a good year next year. But as for it including a 3G system, its stupid. The plans are completely expensive and useless if you plan on downloading stuff on the go. Actually it wont even let your download games or demos over the 3G network.

I'm trying to keep all my games on the 8GB memory stick. Trust me it doesn't last at all. I'm frequently deleting demos and such to make games fit.