
or Quiet Earth,a remake of sorts of The World,the Flesh and the Devil but Australian and more sci-fi'y and with the main protagonist looking like Trevor from GTA 5 : D it's pretty good too.


My exact reaction was "oh godamnit"

Let this be a warning to all adult NFL hecklers. Stick to the comment section if you want to keep your caps on.

Evolving Species? Probably Not

But something rubbed Bristol higher-ups the wrong way.

Agent: Cam, you need a firewall to potect you from this happening.

Twitter: Please reenter your password.

Lots of very intelligent people believe in a creator. Newton, one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, believed in one. The head of the Human Genome Project is a theist. But belief in a creator isn't science, and it can't get taught in school as science. My problem is not theism. My problem is theists who

The more I think about it, the more I think I came out of that movie very confused. I guess I need to go to Imax and look at more pretty for another 2:45 haha.

"Hedy Hey Hedy Hey Hedy decky decky decky decky decky decky decky decky decky."

Shouldn't the Eagles' PR staff have some sort of policy against their players following other teams?

It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.

So, what, you think now he's a 20/10 guy?

I was referring to the author. Their point is stupid, science and emotion are not completely separate entities. Love is the vehicle for them to make all these sacrifices in the film.


That is a worthless comment. We've been reporting live from COTA all weekend.

This was almost as bad a crash as the one Kinja experienced today.

My name is Riley and I'm eight years old. My daddy, swvlhed is making me type this on my mom's laptop because he just smashed his keyboard into bits trying to type on accident. And now he tore the door off the hinges! What is wrong with my daddy?!